Thursday, May 29, 2014

Week 88-

   Well, we baptized again this week!!! The water in this part of the city is just pure green, so to make the baptismal water look awesome, we put like  bottle of food coloring, it seriously looked like blue ocean water, but at the same time, Elder Hernandez baptismal clothes were stained BLUE!!!! we are now officially the blue man group!! 

  We made a plan as missionaries in this ward to help out our ward mission leader, it's seroiusly the most dificult problem that we are facing, is that there is no coordination between the ward and us. So each one of us are going to visit him in his hosue and train him in his duties as a mission leader. Actually all the missionaries in our ward from a district, and this week I was able to go to their district meeting, and seriously Elder Poyner, the DL chewed out each one of the elders for lazyness in the work, it was becoming a seriously problem, lack of obedience and too much lazyness. 

   This week was awesome, we gave a fabulous Zone training, completely leaded by Elder Hernadez and I. We talked about how to show a copy of our Plan of accion (action) with the investigators so that they knew exactly what we have planned for them to be able to be baptized. and then we explained how to show that same copy to a member in the ward to help us make it happen. The whole Zone was super stoked with the idea, literally it was pure revelation, I was sitting in bed right before falling asleep and it hit me that this was what we had to share with the zone, the next day I showed Elder Hernadez what the spirit had told me and everything came out beautifully all the district leaders were calling us every night to tell us all the miracles they had seen!!! 

  This week we have interviews with the president, and Im way excited to have personal time with President Valadez, he's such a hero for me, all of his stories and miracles that  had happened to him for his strict obedience to the commandments.  

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