Friday, May 2, 2014

Week 84-

  OK... so there is  a rumor in the mission that there is another sister missionary from Eugene Oregon, her name is sister Chuetz or something like that, If you guys know anything, tell me, he presidente has come out with a new rule that we are not allowed to call anyone besides our corresponing leaders, and everyone below our stewardship. haha.

   This week was awesome, we had our zone conferene with the Iztapalapa Zone and it was way good, we were all waiting on Elder Johnson, the  Mexico Area Presidente to come, but in the end, He couldn't make it. I think all the zone was a little disapointed, but he said he would be coming in June or July!! We also had our Stake conference of the Ermita stake, and I'm really starting to apreciate things like stake conference, hahaha. 

  There are some problems with the Elder in our ward, with disobedience, and lazyness, it's really causing us problems, even though we all are good friends. The zone is all working really hard, we doubled the number of new investigators this week and now we just need to focus in on bringing them to church. I realized in order to baptize every week., We've got to find at least 10 every week, place 13 baptismal dates, 15 in church, and 18 lessons with member present, it's really costing us, but Elder Hernandez and I looked at the key Key indicators and realized that we are working as hard as each district in the zone. That's like 3 companionships, even though the numbers don't mean anything, and I shouldn't be bragging, I feel really good about my mission, I feel like I'm completing with what the Lord is asking of me, apart from the whole baptize every week thing, really is hard....

  I bought 2 kilos of tortillas and a ton a cheese and Chorizo, and I'm going to be eating quesadillas every day untill changes , 2 weeks left untill changes.   

                                        -Elder Ordway

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