Sunday, June 15, 2014

Week 89- Baptism, Zone conference With Elder JOhnson ( area mexico President)

Well, We baptized maybe the most hardest investigator of my mission!! Martin Jurado, his story is the following: His mom died when he was just a kid and stopped believing in God, His dad was abusive towards him and so he ran away from home when he was young. He started smoking at 16 and hasn't stopped since, when he got married and all that the missionaries visited them but only got baptized his wife and his 3 daughters, he never wanted to. Finally with enough pressure from his wife, he had various baptismal interviews years ago, but never passed them. We have been teaching him for the last 6 months trying to get him to stop smoking and drinking, he had so many setbacks, and failures  but basically with the pure power of God, and the grace of our savior, he was able to quit all that and be baptized. He then arrived late at church the next day but he was confirmed anyways, the funniest part was he said that he popped a tire on his way to church, and that he ditched his car a came running on foot to arrive on time. I truly love the mission, it's just full of miracles,

  We also are going to have a mission conference with Elder Johnson the Area Presidente of Mexico, his coming to our mission and our mission presdient asked that our entire zone be a choir and that we sing for him, so we have been practicing these last few days, I'm just glad that mom and dad always made me go to church choir, because I'm actually of use to a lot of the missionaries!! 

  I was gone for 50 hours from our area, in interchanges, I was all over the zone training and reviewing the progress of a lot of missionaries. It was nice to come back to my own area and work. I seriously love my area so much, and even though I'm going on 6 months here, I love Iztacalco. I've learned more here than in any other area in my mission. I learned that two of my recien (recent) converts are filling out the mission papers right now and will be going on missions!!!! and a more or less active member from my last ward wrote me that I was the one that inspired him to go serve a mission and he will be turning in his papers in one week!!!

  We talked with our bishop about baptizing an investigator before her 5 weeks at church, and our president has never once given me permision to baptize someone before his or her 5 weeks at church, but he gave us permision to baptize her this saturday, so we will be baptising again!!! her name is Ernestina, and she seriously is sooooo chosen,. she was a street contact and she has kept ever single comitment that we have left her!! 

  I love my mission so much, I feel like it is going be so fast, like a period of 24 hours is the shortest thing there is and 7 days is even shorter, I really am not liking the feeling of how fast everything now. It was as if I was watching a video en fast motion, but I'm learning so much about obedience, and the atonement,!! Elder Ordway

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