Friday, July 4, 2014

Week 90

Hello Family:
  Everything is really good here in Mexico. I'll start by telling you a little bit about my companion Elder Ramirez is about to turn 27!! he's the oldest missionary in the mission. He is the youngest of 13 children!! his dad is 85 years old!!! he's a college graduate and he's from Xalapa Veracruz ( close to where Elder Hernandez is from) He's a great guy, although it is a little weird being comps with someone so much older than me, it's pretty sweet. He's really into drawing and art, our house now is full of different paintings and stuff like that, he actually just the other day drew me as a missionary zombie, he speaks way good english, we can speak english in the house now. 

 I was asked a really painful question this week: the secretary asked me what was the closest airport to my house, I painfully told him the Eugene airport and he told me that within a week I would be receiving my flight schedule..... :(   It's been raining a ton here, I really am not liking rain season, all of our p-days and lessons get ruined, but I'm sure it would be worse being a missionary in the eugene Rain, but my trusty umbrella that I've had now for like a year is keeping up the good work, the other day I actually had to fix it using a lolly pop and super glue. 

 Our area got hit hard at the beginning of the change, the presidente comitted us to drop every last investigator that didn't progress and to start begging to the Lord that he blesses us with  the chosen ones. It worked. We through ourselves out onto the sea, like Peter when he started walking on water. We started the week out a little hard, but we started receiving references like never before, and we found a ton of new investigators. 

 Everyone's favorite joke with me now is that I'm dying or that I'm starting to see beyond the vail, or that I smell worse than their organic garbage. It's a dumb joke that we have as missionaries that when someone is close to going home, they are close to dying, but I  really don't like thinking about it. In fact, I don't have any goals now but serve the Lord as hard and as best I can with the time that has been giving me. I just have pure desires to contact everyone in the street and preach the gospel to all the world. I think I  rely on the gospel soo much that it's finally sunken into my heart how much I want others to know it. I love my mission, I love my savior, I owe soo much to him. 

                -Elder Ordway.

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