Monday, July 21, 2014

Week 93

Well this week was literally the craziest week of  my mission!!!
    First off on our last preperation day we had left the keys to our house really far away from home, it was a pain and a pure miracle that we found them again. We found a really funny investigator, that is one of the biggest "sinners"  I have ever met, he's done everything bad in  his life, for sure he will need a special interview with the mission president. But he came to church sunday and he liked it a lot. We had interchanges with the assistants for the first time in my whole mission and it was pretty sweet. When we were in the middle of  lesson, it started raining harder than I've ever seen in my mission. Really hard. The streets became rivers and there were waterfalls and lightning everwhere, in that same moment the president called us and told us that we had to go across the mission to help an elder who was wanting to go immediately. So we ended the lesson and ran into the rain and we were drenched within 10 seconds. It was the craziest thing I've ever done run through the river and rain like that. We found a taxi and went across the mission to pick up the elders. We took them to the mission house and while Elder Albretchson ( the assistant) talked with him Elder Cardenas and I made like 40 pancakes so that he could feel at home. It's a party inthe mission home, with the assistents and the secretaries and other elders all sleeping there. In the morning we did some serious workouts p 90 x and I  was sore all week long after that. I went straight into interchanges with Elder Poyner and Elder young. ElderYoung just barely has 1 week in the mission, so he didn't know his area at all, while we were lost we were contacting a ton of people to get Elder Young excited about his mission. He really didn't want to go to mexico city. The truth is no missionary is too excited to come into a HUGE City to work, were your constantly taking public transportation, the truth is also that I know Mexico City better than Eugene, even though its like 30 times the size, I've gotten to love and know this city soo well.

  We had a leadership meeting where the presdiente explained what we all have to do in the Zone conference that we are going to have this week. Each Zone leader is going to be giving a certain training. I'm way excited, to  be in a Zone conference of 6 hours!! after leadership meeting, we went straight into more interchanges, I brought Elder Patey to the area and we saw a bunch of miracles. I had to annouce a million things to the zone while planning the baptism the following day. It was a nightmare, I didn't stop talking on the phone all night. ( until we had to go to bed that is) and in the morning I went at it again. My comp still doesn't know the members so well, so he didn't know how to help. Then saturday when we returned back into our companionships we had to fill the faunt and find clothes and a bunch of other stuff. Man how I wish we had a mission leader. I honestly was so exausted every sinlge night, spiritually stressed and physically hurt and all week long: heavy rains. I love rain season here in Mexico City. It was a good oportunity to show the Lord how much I was willing to sacrifice. 

Jose asked me to confirm him, and it was an awesome confirmation. I honestly don't remember much about what I said, but I know it was what needed to be said. Sunday we had a ton of meeting and alot of investigators in church, and today we have been going and selling our stuff in the " black market" we got 250 pesos for an iron and a video thing that doesn't work. It was awesome selling our stuff, I'm loving my mission so much, but it's harder than its ever been. 

Elder Ordway

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