Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Week 54

Wow I officially completed 1 year in the mission. I've been putting ties on for the last 365 days. I have a gran total of 13 baptisms, a ton of less actives fully activated in church, 3 areas, I'm District Leader, 7 comps, and my hair now grows with a line above my ear, from all the gel that I've been puttin' in it. I've only sucumm to splitting my hair, because I want to be exactly like my mission president when I grow up and exactly like Elder Holland. I would've have thought that I would have more baptisms, but numbers really don't mean anything, I can say that I have been working as hard as a possible to help people come unto christ.

   I neeed this p-day more than any other p-day. We worked our tails of this week. As they say here in mexico, we put the batteries in and got to work. First off, on monday we went to go clean our clothes with the Coapa Elderes, they live with members that have a washing machine, so we hauled our dirty clothes across town to get them washed and then we went to a big old mall, where they have carls jr, mcdonalds, and burger king, subway, they had everything, I felt like I was in the U.S again, but this mall was nice, like they have class walls that open up to a balcony in the food court and only the richest of people come here, we all bought burger king, because we thought it would be the most american thing we could eat, and went shopping in the tiangis, I didn't end up buying anything, because everything is so expensive, and everyone is trying to gain an extra penny, it's like I'm living on the ferenginar, where it always rains and everyone wants an extra buck. You have to pay to use the bathroom, but then I bought 30 cans of root beer at really cheep american store, 4 pesos each can, which is like 25 cents a can and my backpack weighed a ton, my back hurt so bad hauling all that root beer around but now I'm living the life in the house, which top ramen, root beer, and pancakes!!!
   The zone leaders came to my district meeting and they said they really liked it, it now doesn't make me nervous, speaking in public, nor giving district meetings. My district is awesome, it was so dead when I got here, the hermanas (Sisters) had absolutely no one that they were teaching, then the Hermana Alvarez got there, and she's like a machine, where the Hermana Gomez, who is from the dominican republic is like slow in almost everything she does, the Hermana Alvarez is like a powerhouse. She dominates  she is seriously going to be an Hermana Lider in the mission here soon and Elder Vitte, and Elder Flores are still working pretty hard, but there such good friends of mine. Everyone in the district are really old in years, but young in the mission. There is no one that is younger than 23 but no one with more than 6 months in the mission, which makes me feel a bit weird, but it's all the same. 

    Here soon we are going to be receiving white hermanas, from the U.S. it was always prohibited because there are too many dangers in the city, but now they are sending them, there in the MTC right now, they should be arriving in 2 weeks, at the end of this change. We worked hard all week long, and I mean hard. I feel like I'm becoming a misisonary machine, that eats, sleeps, and preaches. The food I eat, gets transformed into the spirit I teach with. So the more food, the more spirit!! Elder Rojas is still disobedient, but that isn't stopping us from dominanting Culhuacan. 

    I'm trying to work on showing more love for my investigators, because they really are children of our Heavenly Father. The rain is slowly starting to go away and the sun is coming out. Which is like the opposite of eugene, and We've been getting hit by bad swarms of mosquitos. Man they fill our house and we can't get rid of them, I have to sleep in a cocoon to make sure that I don't get bit. We've also been blessed to have a mexican gangs outside workout pit near our house, no one would be allowed, but seeing as it is 6:30 in the morning, everyone is passed out from drinking and smoking too much, so we always have it all to ourselves. We've been growing a lot closer, Elder Rojas and I, and my first comp Elder Mathis just wrote my saying that he is now ending his mission and gowing home. He was sent to another mission, but thanked me for all the things he learned from me. I truly love all of my comps, even Elder Chronister, who ruined my first area, and ever since then they haven't baptized. Which makes me sad. After my time in Contreras, they haven't baptized, not one person..... I downloaded a bunch of church music and boght a sweet speaker player thing, I'm going to get my hair cut today and we are going to have a party with the district. I love you guys a lot and think about you all the time and I swear I'll get around to sending you guys that package. 

Love Elder ORdway.

Oh and I'm really happy that Erik Davis ended his mission strong, I love that guy

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