Monday, October 21, 2013

Week 57- Hola from Mexico City

Hey there Family!!! 

   Things here in Mexico City are rockin', I said goodbye to my dear comp Elder Rojas, who had overcome such a change, seriously it really was extreme Makeover Missionary edition, Elder Rojas changed his attitude about everything here in the mission, and only did I find a note from him, hidden in my journal telling me how happy he was to have been my comp and learn how to be more like Christ...Things like that don't get forgotten. He left at 6 in the morning, the same day  that I went to go pick up my new comp, fresh from the airport, haha....His name is Elder Johnson from Maryland!!! the whole other side of the US. Elder Johnson is a tall, skinny, blond hair, humble, obedient guy, who is going to be a way good missionary!!!. Our President told us all that everyone who isn't a zone leader, will be training in the next 2 changes....that means that I'm going to have 3 sons, 3 grandchildren, and 1 great grandson in the mission. I feel so old......and I just completed 1 year...but seriously Elder Johnson is way cool, him and I are going to destroy this area in the next couple weeks. No one stands a chance against the power of the spirit, Elder johnson and I.. just kidding.

   Things got pretty heckit with a splitting our area in half, so there is now 4 missionaries working in the ward, and both sides are going to be baptizing here soon. As I said in my last letter, the Lord has trusted in our abilities in working in cafetales as well. So this week an opened up my second ward and now have to travel great lengths to visit all of the investigadores. There seriously are so much to do, I put some of the ward missionaries to work in making the less active list. While I prepared the baptism for Tifani. We visited Tifani day after day after day, getting her ready for her baptism, a couple problems later, with a cold baptismal faunt, there is a new member of the church!!! Elder Johnson got here right in time. Actually, in our first visit with Tifani, I asked her if it would be alright if Elder Johnson did the baptism with 5 days in mexico, Elder Johnson got wet!!

   There are two Elders in our district who's area is absolutely dead, they aren't teaching anyone and are having troubles finding success. I pray for them a lot, and wish I could help  them more. But I'm going to fast for them this week, because the last time I fasted for  the sisters (who's area was also dead) their work tripled within a week and it just so happens that I'm the one that will be baptizing their investigators....I know that the Lord works in mysterious ways, I literally had no idea, that is how he was going to bless me, (maybe I should fast for everyones area) just kidding. I feel really happy doing the missionary work, and I haven't find time just to relax in a long time, which makes my diary suffer, because I haven't found the time to write in it every day. We asked to go to chapultapec, this week, which is like a sweet zoo here in mexico, I'm hoping the President sees our efforts the last couple weeks and let's us go. I bought a couple more ties and now a huge amount of ties!!! I found out that the temple here in Mexico City is to be closed for the next 2 years!!!!! I was so sad to hear this because I was looking forward to the day when I could enter into the temple with my investigators.....Especially Susana... because she was going to get sealed to her family and husband, who had died prior to us arriving at her house...

   I have found such a happiness in doing missionary work, it feels awesome to see how many missionaries are arriving and the army that will be hammering this city with the gospel. 

    Elder Ordway

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