Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Week 56

Wow, once again another hectick week, one of the craziest in the mission. Starting; the Elders of Coapa, Elder Rojas and I all went to The Tiangis to buy and eat tacos. One of the tacos in the picture is Pig intestine Taco, for 70 cents. We spent a good amount of the day together just chillin and grillin'. We've been pretty busy every single p day. even if i wanted to go somewhere to have fun,  wouldnt have time.
  I've been undergoing a huge project for our ward, one that has been taking me hours to do. HOURS!!! it involves taking the ward directory, which is roughly 1000 people and dividing them into areas of the ward, then writing down lists and lists and lists of names to go look for, because 80% of members here in Mexico are less active that no one knows. So the ward missionaries and I have been doing division every friday to go look for these people. There are so many names that we are now going to start looking for them tuesdays as well. I gave to the bishop a report of about 30 people that have died or moved away, and he was so happy. He said that what he had in his hands was pure gold, which made me feel really good, but seriously its taking me hours and I'm about 1/3 the way done.....This ward though, is rockin!! we have 22 ward missionarys that are like Helamns army, I sometimes even call them my children. "22 stripling ward missionaries of Elder Ordway" naw just joking, but they all average about 17 in age. There young but really awesome.

   I felt a bit tired this week, I have to say that I didn't give it my all. I was sure that I was going to leave this ward, which made me sad, because I love Culhuacan. I feel really blessed in this ward. Just because there are so many missionaries arriving here in the mission: 25 missionaries arrive today!! which is a ton, there is only 150 missionary in the mission, after losing 100 missionary from the mission in July, (when the opened the Chalco mission) Basically everyone in the mission is training. Everyone.  I was sure that my comp was going to take over the ward and train, or they would dived the ward, and we would both be training, but sadly, Elder Rojas got his Visa to go to Argentina just when we had changes. So Elder Rojas is leaving tomorrow at 6 in the morning to the airport. The president decided to divide Culhuacan ward in two side, so I'm going to have to divide our ward in half. Divide all the records and investigators and everything that I have in half. I'll be keeping the bottom half of the area, which is the really ugly side, where everyone believes in the Holy death and stuff like that. At the same time, they took the girl missionaries out of Cafetales, and gave the ward to me and my new Comp (I will be training a new gringo "american" again). Cafetales is the worst ward in the whole mission, rich people who hate missionaries, there is a gran total of 38 that go to church every week....So I will be given a new ward, while at the same time be splitting my ward in half, which means I have to go to two sacrament meetings, and learn all the members of a hole another ward.....At first I wasn't too happy, but now it gives me a chance to show my patience to the Lord and trust in him. I know absolutely nothing about the streets in cafetales, so I will be opening a new area. Basically I will be working a ward and a half..... I already thought I was busy. I've never had to work with two area books before...which means the hermanas are leaving my district, and it will be a district of pure elders again. My zone leader just got called to be Assistant. Elder Frazier is way awesome and super good missionary. He's going to rock as assistant. The moment we received the changes, my phone starting lighting up with calls, all the missionaries in the whole mission that I know started calling me and telling me what's happening. Elder Valenzuela and I are still 2 of the 4 district leaders in this zone, its a small zone, but rocking. 

    Elder Rojas, when he arrived, perfectly honest, was what we call frito. He was super disobedient. But over this change, I can't tell you guys how much he has changed. He's become one of my best friends and a really good humble guy. Who trusts in the Lord and obeys his rules. He's not perfect, but I would have trusted him to take my place as district leader here. He overcame a huge change and  is a whole new missionary. It actually brings tears to my eyes, because I can fell that the Lord is pleased with me in helping him understand and build his testimony, it's like with Elder Chronister, where he arrived, frito but left as a zone leader.....Elder Rojas got his Visa to go to Argentina...he leaves at 6 in the morning and I'm going to miss him. Basically all my comps have gone to other missions, beside Elder Carrigan. Who by the way is training!!!! which means I'm going to be a granpa in the mission. Well basically everyone is really excited about this mission and how much is changing, ill be busy for the next cvouple days. 

 les amo mucho Elder lot of people call me here

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