Thursday, October 10, 2013

Week 55

   Wow, what an eventfull week!! I'll try and slow it down for everyone, but for me it was the fastest week of my life. Every night when I pray before going to bed. I try to look back on the day, and I'm getting to that point when everything I know is going  just way too fast.

   Starting off on Monday: We woke up and went to the usual part that we always go to, it's a workout park that's freakin awesome!!! We had some trouble getting our clothes washed, seeing as we don't have anyone to help us and dryers are only for the richest of people here in mexico. Sadly there is no one that rich here in this Ward. We celebrated the birthday of a sister in the district and that was pretty awesome, the hermana Gomez turned 23.
We got our hair cut, took money out of the bank, but Elder Rojas, for some reason didn't get any money for the month, so we made a bunch of calls, and he's been using my money for the last week. When we were singing the mexican happy birthday song "los mañanitas" there is the tradition that you have to bite the cake before serving it and of course, the hermana Alvarez, shoved the hermana Gomez's face into the cake. There was a big mess all over the floor, but we cleaned it up and yeah...

   Tuesday: We got off to a great start on the week, we had 8 lessons our first day, we did divisions and while I trained the single adults in our Ward to teach the gospel. Elder Rojas went and taught a bunch of lessons. I'm really growing close to Elder Rojas. He's changing so much. I've been thinking, that if there has been anything that I've done well in my mission, it's helping my comps change their attitude about was the same with Elder chronister, when he didn't want to do any work. But I bought a sweet new pen, just to lose it two days later, I've decided never to buy nice pens again. There just not worth it. I normally always lose my trusty pen before finnishing off all of it's ink. Only one pen in the whole mission, did I finish off all of it's ink. We ended the day really really happy. We celebrated with top-ramen.

   Wednesday: The president called us in the morning and told us that Elder Rojas was really close to getting his VIsa and that they were now speeding up the process of getting his Visa, he's been waiting 6 months to go to Argentina!! so we had to go downtown and do a bunch of paperwork. But everything turned out well in the end. That made us lose a bunch of morning lessons, as we didn't get back into the area until 5 in the afternoon. Then 

    Thursday: we got another call from the president saying that we were to go even further into the city, in order to do more paper work, I'll be honest, I didn't understand how much of what was going on, as it is spanish that I had never even thought about learning, when it comes to high federal registration spanish stuff,  but we were right next to what's called the independence angel, it's a big gold naked angel that represents liberty. As the statue of Liberty is to us. 
  We actually got to go to it and take´pictures. It was sweet and inside the statue or the remains of  a bunch of famous people. We bought some frozen yogurt that was really expensive and to our surprise we saw a bunch of riot!!! outside one of the big old buildings. There was a line of police with their shields protecting some Banks, and a ton of people screaming about nothing. I thought it was awesome as I took various pictures while Elder Rojas didn't think it was so cool. We returned to the area again at 5!! which didn't leave us much time to work. 

   Friday: We helped the sisters move from their house as they've been having a ton of weird event happening there, like satanic powers. Just weird things. So the president decided to move them out. That took us a couple hours, and we also had interchanges that day. I styled in the area with Elder Flores and we had a lot of success that day. 

   Saturday and Sunday were completely dedicated to watching conference. Being one of 5 gringos in the whole stake. We were allowed to watch the conference in English. Never had I been so happy to listen to General Conference, but I learned so much. Every word was gold to my ears as I received revelation for my area and my comp, and district. Today we went to the tangis and bought some sweet stuff at some tacos of pig intestines and that was about it. I love Culhuacán and this week we have changes, I'm hopping I don't get changed, but whatever the Lord wants!!

    Elder Ordway

P.S. I'm sorry for so many emails to send all those pictures, for some reason, I'm only allowed roughly two picutres at a time.

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