Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Week 52- One year down, one more to go

    Hey Everybody! man I'm typing on the worst keyboard ever right now, so if some words don't make very much sense, it's not my fault. 

   This week was really awesome, Elder Rojas and I are working really hard, and just got a new mission leader, who just barely completed a year as a member. He is a bit "evangelico" (which  bascally means, he talks about God being the same as Jesus and temples the same as the church, and harvesting souls and stuff, so Elder Rojas and I are going to have to trained him up good. He's really excited and is like 70 years old or something, but he's got a car, which is really all the matters to me. Man!! members with cars are the best, because they can give you rides, which is way nicer than taking the micros (bus)

   We are finding a lot of investigators, and it's really all the Lord doing the work. This ward is a lot different than my last ward, because this ward works hard. The bishop is always willing to help and talk about investigators in ward council. I feel like I have learned so much in this mission, in the year that I have here in mexico:
-How to chew out mission leaders. 
-How to work with the members.
- How to talk in council with ward and stake leaders. 
I feel awesome, is really what it comes down to. This thursday I'm going to complete 1 year in the mission!!! 

     Another one of my shirts ripped this week, and I'm not sure if this time I'm going to be able to sew it. I'm officially the oldest in my district too by 6 months, there is like no one in the mission that has more than a year and a half. So I'm like one of the oldest in the mission, which makes me feel really weird. 

     My new camera is woking really well. It's a "sony cyber-shot" 14 mega pixels. It's not the nicest of cameras, but it works. I'm going to send home my other camera, hopfelly you  guys can get it fixed. Elder Rojas is a good comp, he's a bit disobedient, but I know the Lord put him with me for  a reason, but we are one of the best comps in the mission and we are working really hard, i feel like every miunute of our time if so precius, and im trying to alwys remember that, that we are in the Lord's work, on his time, so it's always precious. 

   I had a dream that we were all at grandma's house eating mexican food and pancakes, it was one of the best dreams I've had in a long time.  The food in this area is as good as ever,  I love you all very much. 

Elder Ordway

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