Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Week 51

       Wow, so I didn't have too much time to write you guys last week, but seriously a lot has happened in the last two weeks, I  think I start from two weeks ago: 

   -So I left San Pedro and got here in Culhuacán, which is really really different than my last two areas. This part of the city is really really flat, unlike my last two areas, where I had to hike up to the other side of my area, this area is easy. The only thing I have to climb up is the stairs to cross the freeway. There is a big old freeway that splits our area in half, but no one here in Mexico uses the bridge anyways. It gets pretty crazy crossing highways here because you're allowed to stand in the middle of the freeway and move up one lane at a time, while cars cross you on both sides.

  -Elder Natareno and I were really getting along nicely. He's really funny and hasn't had too many american comps. We even bought a ton of food, there is a pretty cheap store in our area and a huge ine of tiangis, which area is  like a black market stores, where they sell stuff for really cheap, that either is fake or stolen, but it's cheap!!! We blew a ton of money there and made a lot of plans for our new area. I have personality of work a lot different tan he does, but together we were dominating. I like to talk to people in the Street and he likes to teach a lot. I use my light skin to atract them, and he teaches them like a boss. He's a really good teacher. We had to go to xochilmilco, which is a part of the mission that I have never been to, but we kind of got lost on the way there, and had to take a taxi to get us un lost. the morning, the president called me and told me that we had special changes. Elder Natareno was to leave and open a new area in Ermita, and I was to get a new comp!!! I was a bit nervous especially because this area is pure centers, I didn't know the area at all but Elder Rojas got here and we started dominating immediately.

  - I had a spirit contact that was truly spirit inspired, and he led us to his family, and we put baptism dates with almost the whole family. We have a good amount of investigators here, and it kind of sucks not knowing the Ward nor the area, but Elder Rojas is cool. He's waiting for his visa to go to Argentina, so he's a Little bit disobedient. Well.... a lot...but I think I have gained his trust and he's already changing a lot. He's a really good guy, but he is really rich and is big into girls. So he's really distracted in that. 

  -I bought a new camera and it's working out really nice for me, same with the new shoes that you guys sent me. There is about a month and a half of pour rain here and then it will be Winter and the rain will go away. Seriously I was waiting all Winter for a nice summer, but just rain...In my district, there are 2 sisters that are in an area absolutely dead. They had a grand total of 5 lessons this week, that's less than one a day!! and the Elders in Coapa had 7 lessons, but just baptized though. Someone who had completely lost his mind and was like 90. I felt weird in the interview with him as he had no idea who Joseph Smith was, but the president had already told me about people like that and that you have to work around the difficulties. I'm getting stoked about this Ward, because the bishop is really awesome and is a hard worker. Our president is also looking for 2 more senior comps, there are  so many missionaries arriving every week, that people who just ended there first 12 weeks are training and almost everyone in the mission who is somewhat obedient is training. Things here in mexico area are awesome. 

  The food is soo good. The metro is awesome. I saw a limbo bug today and just saw two cars crash. Crazy mexican drivers. I love you all and will try and remember what else is happening here. 

    -Elder Ordway

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