Monday, September 2, 2013

Week 49

Oh man, I got changed...!!! All this week I was working so hard, we have so many  people going to church and preparing for baptism, and I  got changed...Elder Carrigan is going to be staying here with Elder Yancey, literally my best friend in the whole mission is coming to my area to be a district leader. I'm so happy for him!! I'm really stoked to have cahnges, even though I love this area, and I feel like my work isn't done here. I'm going to have a native comp again!!! I'll be able to master my spanish for sure, from what I've heard though, he is from a different country, but I'm not sure which. 

   Im going to an area that is called Cuhluacan!! It's on the other side of the mission, so I'm stoked to get to learn that area. I'm sad that I'm not going to be here for the baptism of Rosa Maria, Jesus, Julis, Rocio, Juan, Fatima, Pedro, Angel, and a couple others, but I also got your package mom!!. It was awesome. my shoes were so trashed and i needed new ones. I feel like I'm set for a while on shoes polish and floss!!. and the cheeze it's were the best. My camera has also been on the verge of getting busted, I think I'm going to send it home in a package and see if you guys can send it in to get it fixed, but I will need another camera in the mean time. 
The rain just beat all the way down through my backpack, and it eventually got to the camera. it really is trashed and it makes a really scary sound, but I think it will make it through the changes. I'm going around saying goodbye to everyone and it's really hard, because there area so many less actives that came back to church.

 I don't have to much time to write, but we moved into our house and it's really cool there. A lot cooler than our old house, and so I've had to pack up two times this week. I'll let you know if I'm dead yet in a week, because I don't know how nice the area is!! 

    I love you all and I'm dying of hunger. Fasting..:!!! 

                                             Love Elder Ordway

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