Monday, August 26, 2013

Week 47

Hey everybody!  

   We had a decent week this week. It was the first time that we didn't complete with our 30 leccion minum ( minimum discussions), so I felt a little bummed about that, but after a good training meeting with the zone leaders, I feel renovated and ready to go. That happens all the time in the mission, where you have good weeks and bad weeks. Elder Carrigan is still learning spanish and becoming a better missionary. He doesn't understand the doctrine very well, so I always have to fix or clarify what he just said. He's doing really really well though. He's a hard worker, and has a really pure heart. He's a "sweat spirit" :) We got our hair cut really really short, too much, I don't even think it's ok,  but it grew over the week. 

    I found the house that we are going to move into, and I hope we don't have to move anytime soon, because our house has literally been gutted. Everything is packed up and I might be packing up again in a week, as we have transfers in just 6 days. My workouts have gotten a lot better and I'm more focused on being obedient. There are so many little things that stop me from being perfect, but it's so nice having the atonement in my life and in the mission. Being able to repent every night for the disobedience and then be fully renewed with the santa cena (the sacrament) Really there is no need to be angry or sad, when you have the atonement and an eternal family, be happy. Our bishop was telling apostacy again in sacrament meeting and in our gospel principles class. Talking about what goes on in the temple. Seriously this ward has a lot of problems. The ward council is completely no focused and our misison leader hasn't been to church in weeks. Sometimes I get really frustrated with the lack of help, but when I think of the lack of support the apostles gave Christ, when he suffered in getsemany (while they just slept).

     We had our divisions , with the zone leaders, and Elder Sanchez and I got really close, he's just a really good honest guy. He's less robot than the other zone leaders that I've had, but exactly obedient. I've tried really hard this week, to study and receive revelation like I've never before. Really all the answers are in the book of mormon and preach my gospel and Our President came out with a modelo de exito, (success model i think) that basically says the most important points of all preach my gospel. We had a less active have his interview in order to receive the Melkezidec Priesthood, and he didn't pass because he's having some faith issues. He goes to church every day, but he still struggles to believe that there is a God, I don't even know how he got baptized. 

    Day of the dead is coming up here soon, in about a month, and I'm so stoked, I was in the MTC the last one and completely missed it. When we move out, I'm really going to miss the tacos de mixiote outside our house. There like goat tacos with a really good salsa and our neighbors, is this old couple that makes homemade cream filled donuts, every other day, Elder Carrigan and I buy like 15 donuts, that are so soo cheap. 
We went running this morning for the first time in the whole mission. Elder Carrigan almost died, he told me that he had never experienced the burning feeling in his chest before. I would like to go running every day. it's a lot harder to run here that it is in good old eugene. We also helped our stake president move furniture in his house, really no one will ever let you help them, they just simply have to much pride to let you help them and to much humbleness to allow you to leave their house without eating something. I swear I've trained my stomach to fit huge amounts of food in it. We had a miscommunication with the baptismal form this week, and it ended up meaning that Elder Carrigan and I had to cross the zone to give them a lost baptismal form. We've always been out of books of mormon for like 2 months. I seriously don't know what's happening with that, but it basically makes it impossible to preach the gospel. 

Thats about it for this week. Next letter, I'll know if I'm staying or going. 
Love, Elder Ordway

1 comment:

  1. por favor digame como llegar a donde esta!!de corazon se lo aprendido tanto q quisiera ensenarle..los elders de aca ya no van a mi casa..ah pasado tanto..por favor como llego..por favor por favor por favor!!!!!!!!!!
