Monday, August 12, 2013

Week 45

Another good week, not quite as good as last week, but all the same, I love being a missionary. This area is still rockin, it's been a bit tougher here than in my last area to baptize, but we are finding a lot of new people to teach, Elder Carrigan is accelerating in the work. I really feel his help  when things get tough and the zone leaders area always down my back. I seriously wouldn't like to be a Zone Leader, there is too much seriousness. there is not enough room for love in the work. We have two families going really strong!! one of which is going to get baptized at the end of this month, it would have been sooner, but the mission upped it's rules about days at church, instead of just 2 days, now its 3, soon to be 4 then literally 5 days at church in order to get baptized. That's going to make it really hard to baptize... I've never heard that before. I don't even think I've been to church 5 days in My life!! naw just joking!! one family we still have to get the dad divorced and then remarried with the lady he is with right now. He's got kids in all sides of mexico, but there are really cool and we've had some really intense lessons. 

  We've had to step it up abit with our teaching. We been completing the 30 lessons every week without fail, now the only thing is that we get the new standard of excellence, which is 20 investigadores ( investigators) in church every week!! I seriously think that is going to be hard, seeing as we only have 5 that are progressing. We got to help this lady paint her house some more, we even invited the elders quorum to come, but knowing the elders quorum and especially being in mexico, no one showed up....Elder Carrigan has lost a ton of weight and he can now eat as much as I do and can walk fast now. I was nervous in the begging when you couldn't even down a salad!!! The President ordered all of the missionaries in the mission to write report on how we are going to get ward council working better and we had to turn them in that night!!! so everyone in my district was writing and it took hours to get everything to the zone leaders. 

  We are still looking for another house, we have untill the end of the month to get out and so far we haven't found anything!!! I'm really nervous, but I don't know what we are going to do, but I know the Lord will come through if we continue showing faith. Our mission leader is finally doing something, he started going back to church (he was a innactive member) and we now have our meetings every week. It's really awesome being able to work with the ward leaders!! actually...We area going to have a ward activity!! about the mormon history in mexico. I'm way excited because I find it really fascinating. This being one of the first areas that the first missionaries ever preached to; and also having the first mexican mormon church inside my area. 

     We are all going to be able to listen to Elder Mendoza of the seventy!!! He is coming to our zone conference and we are all going to be able to shake his hand. Our president said that if anyone is late, they area getting sent us home, but home is home. So if i show up at the house in a week, you'll now I was late to the zone conference. We drove home yesterday in the heaviest rains I've seen in a long time. We were literally driving down a river. I always saw a whirlpool in the middle of the road, where all the water was being drained down. I tried to whip it out my camera but i missed it. I bought a really nice umbrella too, I always thought umbrellas were for whimps, but it's so nice here, to have a nice sturdy umbrella. 

  There are some problems between some of the Elders in the district but I think we can get it resolved  in the exchanges!! Things are going great here in Mexico City, It will be the next provo Utah by the time I leave. The work is getting really tightended and harder, we have to keep raising our standards, because the Lord is raising his. I love you all!! Especially My Mom. 

-Elder Ordway

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