Monday, August 12, 2013

Week 44

Haha, so I started the week really good, we were working really hard and finding some new people, one of which is a whole new famliy really really catholic, their two daughters are about to have the first communion or something catholic thing, and we have to get them baptized before that happens. 

   We've had some pretty good weather, the rainy season is starting to go away and so I'm not always completely soaked, one time this week though I did 3 baptismal interviews and got drenched to the bone in mud water, I then ripped my shirt and had to throw it away. My shoes are taking hard beating, but they should hold in for a couple more weeks, the water here is destroying them. We started the week too going to these hidden woods, normally your completely prohibited to go to any woods, because you can get killed or robbed, but we tested our luck and it was a really awesome time.

    I met the new Elder in our district, he's a runner by from california, exactly the type of people that think they are all that. I was cool with everything (the skills at wake boarding, the houseboat, the girlfriend, the championships, the good looks) until he started dissing the oregon ducks, that's when I drew the line. No one disses my ducks in front of me!! We had a good district meeting, I'm starting to learn how to give a really good district meeting. We have two families really going strong!!! one of which we have to marry on the 22th, I'm really excited to see them progress. 

    Everything went good all week until the Rosal elders called me, (the elders we share the house with) they told me someone just tried to kill them, and threatened to kill Elder Carrigan and I!! Ironically he is our neighbor... So the president and the assistants got involved and checked out the street and then our house, just to see if it was clean. it wasn' they were kind of mad about that, but they told us that we have to move out immediately. So today we are moving out this week, I'm going to miss living with the 4 elders, but we found a sick house!!! is really small and cozy, with a water heater, so we will be going back to the bucket again, like in my last area. things here in san pedro are looking really good, instead of the dead area where I arrived to, it's alive and running!!! 

   We had to drop a lot of slow people, I'm the one that wants to drop them, and Elder Carrigan likes to hang on a bit more, but we've come to agreements. I love my comp and I love being a missionary!! the ward here is a little rough, there are just lot a lot  of old people that refuse to help us in the work, besides giving us food....I'm going on 11 months now!! which is really crazy, I've got to step up my game now in the mission and work even harder than before, I'm really finding the meaning of putting weakly goals high to challenge you, it's like my old comp that had super super low goals, so he didn't feel bad when we didn't do good..hahah...I love you all as well!! -
-Elder Ordway

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