Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Week 43

  All I know is that this area has completely turned around. When I got here, Elder Perez and I had no success, we were always sitting in front of the chucrh offering tours to whoever wanted it, but it never worked out. I've now learned how to be a lot better missionary since than, I've been able to use my personality to attract people to the gospel, I've had to change a lot though.. I've seriously think that I've been able to get rid of all evil from my heart and head and  just become a way better person. We had the most successful week in all of my mission. We had a ton of lessons with a member and we are working with the ward a lot more than I've ever done. That's really were the trick is, working with the ward members!!! Even though it's not some secret, it's all in preach my gospel, which I have been using like none-stop since our president came out with a success model. or....basically is just a little book that has the best and most important stuff in preach my gospel specifically for this mission. 

   I love being in the big city, sometime it gets me a little discourged though. I have to say though that this week was the most successful. We were teaching a lesson every hour all week long, even though it's still a little tough to baptize here, it makes me feel really happy that I'm giving it my all. I was so tired this week. I thought I was working hard in contreras because it was just  on the side of a mountain, but we are now teaching like 8 lessons a day and I feel really happy. I just can't express what I'm feeling in this area, I'm sure it's just a phase, but we taught a ton of investigators. We found a ton of new people, and I'm finally putting the bar high for my district. Using my area as the example of success. I can't say that it's perfect, but we found a ton of new people this week. One of which had lost her daughter and her mom. So we started with the plan of salvation and it was a balling lesson, she lives right by a member too so there is no doubt in my mind that she is getting baptized soon!!! 

   We have to marry a couple of people and help a lot of people stop drinking, so many here have marriage problems and drugs problems, well...like every country has that problem. That makes me really happy that Madison went through the temple. It will be cool to come back and be able to enter with a lot of my friends and family. I don't have too much time to write this week because we are going to go try going to a big old forest..I'll see you later!!!! 

Elder Ordway

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