Friday, July 5, 2013

Week 40

   Well well well.....Things were going great. It's hard to believe that it was a week ago that we went to the temple. We have a super good couple that we visit almost every day. She is super Catholic and got really offended when we told her that we don't worship the Virgen and he is super christian. 

   He has serious problems with the book of mormon and Jose Smith, but they have the desire to be baptized; and they need a lot of work seeing as they are not married either. Along with that we are teaching a Jehovas witness that is having troubles receiving an answer, because she can't believe it. I've got to admit it though, if someone came to my door telling me the things that we tell her, I wouldn't want to believe it. For that I'm really glad that my parents raised me in the church.  
The week started out really slow. We just weren't having success and saturday morning we were 9 lessons away from the 30 with one day to get 9 lessons. We were called the night before. The zone leaders told me that I had a meeting with all the other district leaders Saturday morning in my old ward chapel!!! I was so excited to go back to my old church and see if there was going to be any members there. We arrived 30 minutes early after getting of the bus a mile early. I couldn't remember where to get off, seeing as I haven't gone over there in a long time. If I didn't get off early, I might have arrived and hour and a half early. Right as we got there the bishop gave me a hug and he told me that there was a ward activity in 30 minutes. I almost died. The Lord prepared that for me, and after our meeting,  I saw them all. Everyone in the ward. All my converts. Nayeli, Carla, Susana, Gabby, Raquel, marlene, were there, but there was 5 that didn't come because of work, but all my favorites were there, and once again after visiting with them, the ZL's told me to scram. I could have been there all day. They gave me a bunch of homemade bracelets and candy, and were crying again when I left. I felt so trunky, but we worked hard all day long and we got the 9 lessons that we needed. A third of our lessons in 1 day. 

     Things are going great here. My comps spanish is a lot better. He teaches a lot like I do. I don't have much time, but I love you guys and I will wite more next week. ohhh and a less active member that I found, her son is going to be baptized tuesday and she asked me to do it...I love that family and I love my family...just a bit more... (; Love Elder Gordway

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