Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Week 39

   Wow, sorry that I waited till tuesday to write everyone, I actually had to work yesterday, when normally it's my day off. It was super hard to work on a monday, because I forgot to plan lessons for monday, and I still had to give a district meeting. 

  The week started out a little rough, people were falling through left and right; and to start the week off we had a really intense Law of Chastity lesson with a couple that's not married. Normally, I have the support of my comp to help me, but seeing as my comp doesn't speak a lick of spanish, it was a Law of Chastity/eternal family lesson, but in the end they accepted to get married. They are super poor, so it's going to be hard to get the money to marry them, but even if I have to fast for 40 days, I'll pay for their marriage license. 

  I also took a burrito full of pictures this week. We've been working hard with some less actives, less actives being 70% of the ward, and they all came to church, it was a miracle. One of which is the hermana Ulda, who makes and sells Tamales every day. We offered to help here one day, so on tuesday we went to here house and made tamales and Oaxacaños. We returned in the night to test them , to see if an american can keep up with the mexican demand for tamales. 
   My comp is still struggling with the spanish, but he's getting better, he's definitely a way better teacher than he was in the begging. He's a really good comp, he's humble and willing to learn, so willing that he almost sounds like me when we teach, but I love the guy. Our district meeting was good too, actually the Zone Leaders came out of nowhere to see how I would do and it was really good. The only thing that happened was in the middle of the meeting, a lady burst in crying saying that her son was lost. She showed us a foto (photo) and  we said a prayer, all the elders ran our of the stake center looking in all directions. When the President found out he called us all back and said not to worry about it. So I finnish the meeting and yeah.

   Today we went through the temple. We woke up at 5:30 to get there on time, being on the other side of the city and everything. My comp bought new scriptures and I bought 4 copies of the testaments. Everyone I know gave me money and told me to buy them the testaments. We got lost coming back haha, because we fell asleep on the micro and  the driver told us to get off. I had no idea where we were and especially my comp didn't have an idea. After a couple hours, we eventually found our way back home. We have a lot of people lined up to be baptized, I just hope that the Lord doesn't change my area in this time of success. I love training and being a district leader. It's been the fastest 9 months of my life. This computer is a little shifty, but I'll send home pictures here in a sec. Hasta la vista bebe.

 Elder Ordway

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