Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Week 37

   Wow, what a great week. Seriously, I know I  always say that, but the mission is full of miracles...I freakin' love being a missionary, and I know that there was a reason that I was called to be a missionary in this time, when the Lord is accelerating his work. 

  We worked super hard this week, like no other. Even with the sun beating down on us, we completed the 30 lessons. It came down to our last day(saturday) with an hour and a half left of the day, when we found a less active family and taught like 9 people, all surounding us, then an active family and we completed exactly 30, it was a miracle and really hard, with how big this area is too. It's the same size as my other area, just without hills and no transportation, and it's super rich...haha not true, one 4th of the area is super rich and all members, and the rest is poor and no members. We had our usual reports on sunday and when we left to my surprise I saw my old bishop at a seminary graduation at the stake center in another delegation, then my old mission leader, then literally half the ward came out of the chapel!!!! It was a miracle to my see all my favorite members and my converts there!!!! They are now enrolled in seminary and super active in the church. I talked with them for like a half hour. I wanted to cry when I had to go, because I still haven't gotten over my first area and how awesome they are... and  Jared received the Holy Ghost and everything came out good. 

   We are working super hard with the less actives because that's the work we do here, not so much focused in baptisms but saving the lost sheep of Christ, and to see less actives return to church and be in the temple prep class, is sooo awesome, it's like a baptism on steroids. Last night we received our changes. The two elders in the house are staying. Elder Perez is going to Hermita acuclo to be a Zone Leader...hahaha.....and I'm staying as District Leader and I'm training a new missionary!!! Everyone was screamnig when we received our transfers. Elder Valenzuela was going crazy, he was so happy for me and Elder Perez. It's funny that every single one of my comps leaves the area as Zone Leader, every single one of my comps. I'm the Zone Leader Trainer, but I found out that all of my comps and my whole generation is going to the other mission. I will be staying here for sure alone with all the new missionaries coming in.. I still don't know if whom I'm training, it might  be mexican or american, or another country, but I can say that I'm going to miss Elder Perez.....He's a great missionary and he teaches with love and kindness. We are super good friends and I will miss his argentinian spanish words and accent. 

   This change went by super fast and I now am rocking the part in my hair, it took me my whole mission to succom to gel and a part down the side. But it's the most classy. My watch broke and so I'm in the hunt for a new one, I can't role around mexico with the golden watch that Christopher gave me, it would get robbed the moment I walk out the door. Two weeks ago some thugs robbed Elder Perez's watch, luckily mine was already broken. There are 6 elderes ion my district and I'm stoked to be able to help it because, every area apart from ours is dead, they have no success, and the Elders are kind of frito or they don't try. Things are going great here and I could barely sleep last night. I'm truly nervous. I don't think I have it in me how to train someone in this area, I still don't know the other half, it's a striaght maze, I swear impossible to learn. Without a map, I'm dunzoo. I love you guys and I'm stoked to be able to tell you how it's going with my new comp. Here in the mission we call it your son or child. so I'm going to be a father haha... 

  Love Elder Ordway

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