Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Week 36

Yaaaay.. A very good week indeed. I've learned so much this week about the personal revelation that one can have if they search diligently. Even though we had an awesome baptism....Our area is not the strongest...the president came out with a new way of doing the work, which involves teaching 30 lessons or more every week and not leaving without a reference..its hard, because people here are super flaky, or forget, or just are lazy..I imagen that all missions are like that, but the worst is that people feel no guilt, they straight up lying to our faces..We had a lot of interchanges this week, which hurt us a bit. Especially, because I've had to show other missionaries my new area 4 times in a row now...but I've learned a lot more of the area. it's big. It's like 2 pueblos enteros ( 2 whole towns)

   We were super happy to baptize Jared this week too.. the zone leader came to do our interview and we had completely forgot to fill out the schedule, we were running around the city trading comps and it never got filled out. In the morning of the baptisms Elder Sanabria and I ran to his house and his dad wasn't home to sign it and give him permision.!!! luckily his awesome sister helped us with all the dates. I ate a whole pineapple in 3 minutes and have been slowing down on the pictures, I know... but at the baptism no one showed up... welll people showed up but our mission leader, bishop, and youth leader wasn't there.. so Elder Perez conducted and gave a talk that he whipped out of nowhere, Jared asked if I would baptize him and it was awesome. He didn't try to stand up after, so I had to go hulk mode and pull him out...hahaah... 

   We had intercambios (changes) with our zone leaders, and so I showed him around. At the end of the day he chewed me out for not being a robot missionary. Basically that me and my comp are working hard enough...But you have to be humble and take advice from leaders in order to get better, so this week I'm definitely going to put into action what I've learned. I just bought two pineapple for a buck each, and I'm so stoked to eat them. Seriously fruit here is so delicious. I'm eternally grateful for the mission I have, even though I've never been a big fan of big cities to be able to see the whole city from our area and learn how to orient yourself in the middle of so many highways and metro busses, and the spanish language is so awesome, and the stories and how much I've learned about the catholic church. hahaha and the virgin.

  My comp and I when we returned from interchanges, we just hugged and said that we missed each other... even though he's got a little argentina pride. He's one of my best friends. He's a hard worker and an excellent example. We have transforms in 6 days and I don't even want to think about it. It's a hard area, it's not all fun and baptisms in this area, but I'm learning so much, I should close with my testimony...Sé que el libro de mormon es lo mas correcto que todo lo demas libros en todo la tierra. Tengo un testimonio firme que Dios nos ama tanto y que tiene un plan por cada uno de nosotros, aunque pensamos que estamos solos en los problemas. todo es una prueba para ver nuestro obediencia. Sé que estpy en la obra del señor, y que no hay mejor jefe que ël. He aprendido mucho acerca de la expiacion de cristo. Yo Sé lo que hizo para mi y no voy a simplemente dar un poco de mi corazon a Él. le amo y no puedo esperar hasta que tenga la eternidad con cada uno de mis hermanos, papas, y amigos. lo mejor cosa que puede haver en el mundo es nada mas que predicar el evanglio que sabe es verdadero. Les amo  ( I know that the Book of Mormon is the most correct book in the world. I have a firm testimony of God's love, and the plan he has for each one of us. Even though we think we are all alone when trial faces us, God is there, to see our obidience. I know that I'm working in the Lord's work. I have learned a lot about our Savior.. I know what he did for me, I love him, and I cannot wait to spend all eternity with my family and friends. The best I can do in this world, is to preach the gospel. I love you all,

Elder Ordway

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