Monday, May 27, 2013

Week 35

Que trampita Familita. Este semana fue tan padre, chambiamos bastante y tuvimos mucho exito. ohh yeahhh im supposed to speak english. just joking ( What's up family. This week we had changes and we had lots of success)...... We had an excellent week, it started out a little rough with a dropped baptism. Like I told you guys last week, our family that was going to get baptized had a huge problem with their family ( drunk husband) and their daughter left to xochimilco, a couple hours away. We had her last lesson and just to make sure that she would be able to come and finish everything, we fasted. We fasted and prayed so hard, calling her every night to make sure that she was going to arrive for her interview, but when push came to shove, she never her baptism dropped and we had another month without was really hard to accept that lost, because this area is "super hard to baptism in" there hasn't been baptisms here for a while. Everyone says that talpan is the hardest area in the mission to baptize, but I won't accept that. We later found out that she's been drinking every other night and  breaking the law of castidad (Chastity)..... we were surprised, but I felt a lot better that I didn't baptize someone like that and she doesn't even answer our calls anymore. That won't be the last time that happens to me in the mission. It's already happened 3 times. We continue teaching the family though. 

 Speaking of which...We were looking for families on really rough day. Walking in the maze half of my area, in the blistering heat, we stumbled across a beautiful girl...we talked to her for a little and we asked her if we could share a lesson with her and her family. We had to have a lesson outside because there wasn't any men in the house; but it was the best lesson We've ever taught. They are soo cool and it made the whole day turn around. they gave us apple soda (which is the most delicious soda in the world) and we chatted. We had another excellent lesson with them this week and I know that they are going to progress super fast. Finding families is gold in the mission. It's only 3 people, but, their parents are married and so we don't have to worry about that.                          We had a super super super hard day after that. Super hot and in the night we got caught in pouring  with our suits. Here in this mission, we wear our suits every other day, especially if your comp is a district leader.

     I was so sad. People dropping us and freaking catholics ruining my life again but then once again, the Lord came through and blessed us tremendously the next day, we were  running from lesson to lesson and having a lot of success. We have a new mission rule now, its that you need to have at least 30 lessons set for the upcoming week, before  me and Elder Perez are dominating this area, not quite as much as my first area, but  we have a good love in our work and for our investigators. The area is difficult, but it has twice the potential of our my last area. I love reading the letters from Tyler, Eric, and Christian. They make me work even harder, knowing that I'm serving my Lord and Master with my friends, like everyone  here, party night, until 6 in the morning, music is blasting from all sides... We've been drinking a lot more mate than normal, and now all the Elders in the house love their mate, so when we return to the house, plan, we write in journals and drink mate. 

   Today Elder Perez wanted so badly to go to some argentinian store to buy super expensive argentinian food. So we went across the city and we entered in. It was full of wine, but Elder Perez spoke to the owner ( who is super super rich, like Mr. Burns rich) and they started speaking in Argentinian(super accented spanish)  and 10 minutes later, he was giving us free argentinian food. Like 30 bucks of dessert and drinks, he later gave us his number and told us to call him if we needed anything. I've got to give it to Elder Perez for working his magic but then we got lost. in the third biggest city in the world, We had no idea how to get home, we didn't even think about it when we were coming to the store. Elder Perez has less time in the city that I do, so I was figuring it out, a couple hours later, we arrived home and relaxed. We talked with some guy in the street and told him we could help him drop smoking and so he gave us his cigarettes. I can't explain it either, but the missionary work here is accelerating like no other. There is no room for imperfection and disobedience. I've never been so busy and calling zone leaders and the president and making plans and going out and working hard. It feels great. I love being a missionary and I feel like I see the world from a  mountains view. I can't wait to get back to work. and put my shoulder to the wheel. 

I love you guys and I hope everyone is happy, if not I would love to here about it. 

Love Elder Ordway!!!

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