Monday, May 13, 2013

Week 33

Hey family!! 

    We were walking a lot this week. I can feel it in the old thighs... I don't climb mountains anymore, but I also don't take public transportation. That's the real difference between these two areas but I love it all the same. I feel super focused in this area and my new investigators. We are completely out on Libros de Mormon (Book of Mormons) with 4 elderes in the house and we are out... along with the restoration and the Plan of Salvation. So we have been teaching a lot of the gospel to people and we have like 500 law of chastity pamphlets in the house hahah. 
   We are in a district of 6 elderes and one speaks terrible Spanish. Even I can't understand him and I always have to translate for him... haha he's being trained by an Elder who has 4 weeks left in the mission and is super frito (fried). He just wants to go home and so they don't have any success or work. I feel really bad. Last p-day we all went out as a district and bought tacos al pastor. They were super good and I didn't get sick. Like I said before, I'm a lot better acustomed to the food here now  and especially in this rich area. The food is a lot cleaner. in my last area our investigators always insisted on giving us potato chips she fried in her bedroom.... with the same grease from weeks ago......they were good, but she said she cooks it in her room to heat the room up...haha. We went and bought a lot of food and cereal for the week. My comp is so funny because he only wants Argentinian food. We went around and he bought really expensive salami and cheese and I was blown away with how much he spent, but I think he has a personal account. So it doesn't matter to him. 

  My hair is actually super long right now because I've missed the last two weeks getting it cut, but for sure today its getting chopped. Our investigators are progressing super nicely. There is a rule now that we can't baptize anyone that is 11 years old without having their parents baptized too.. which means that we are going to lose a baptism this saturday, but she turns 12 in june so I'm not too worried. It's an 11 year old that's brilliant. She can answer the hard missionary questions like a boss and knows the doctrine super well. Like adults get all stubborn and ignorant when it comes to ¨all churches bring people to Christ" I can be saved in anyone of them.... dahhhh but the kids are soo smart. Rarely do we have to teach something twice. My comp had to go to a meeting so I did intercambios (exchanges) with two americas, We were in a trio, and one only has 1 week in Mexico and the other doesn't speak Spanish with his 6 weeks here. So we went around and I had to do all the talking  and translating- I felt like a I had a purpose in that trio being the only one that could talk haha, but they are super cool. Of course there all from Utah and two of them are bull they just talked about bull riding and roping and all that stuff, which was super boring for me, because I've never even seen a rodeo before. 

  Elder Perez this week also had to go to immigrations and fix something with his visa and whenever an Elder has to do that, his comp goes to the offices with the assistants. So I went with like 3 other elders and we watched mormon's messages for like 5 hours. I think I've watched them all now. haha. We went to an activity where we go room to room as if we were living the plan of salvation. It was cool until we got to the spirit prision, where there was a video of apostasy, all the missionaries were blown away with the video of what hell would be like, with naked people and scary music and people acted dead on the ground. We left that room all laughing and we were going to say something to the bishop, because it was complete apostasy. They should have never shown that video to investigators. Oh well, happens all that time. 

  We had a busy day...and to end it we went to our ward activity which was awesome!!! Mother's day here is a huge deal so the passed the church up and people danced and sang and we ate carnitas and tacos and I recorded as much as I could before we had to go. There was some people in the street the other day yelling at us. They said that we weren't prophets and that we should leave and stop preaching, but no pasa nada (nothing happens) they got nothing on the church. The Elders in our house are out of control crazy. One is 18 and the other is kind of frito. They run around and don't take anything seriously, but the Zone Leaders are going to talk to them, and my comp talked to his parents, and they wanted to talk to me a bit too, so I talked to his family for like a minute.  
We have a super cool member that's been a member for ever and gives us milk and cereal every week. She has her own milk factory and gives us all we can drink milk. That was super cool, we had two investigators show up out of nowhere at church and they stayed all thee hours. We visited a couple and ran to the members house to talk with you guys. They told me that you guys had just called so I called you guys back and I really enjoyed that time talking to you guys and talk in english too. I was sad that mom wasn't home, but I was feeling a bit sad after the call, I wanted to go home haha, but after the delicious food I was good. 

An investigators gave us a huge bag full of fruit and mangos. A really nasty berry that only exists here and 4 mangos. We were walking when a lady came up to us and told us that she has been reading the Book of Mormon and was in alma 53, she wants to visit with us but doesn't live anywhere near us, in some other state. It was a miracle but she didn't know her address nor had a phone, so we had no choice but to give her and the time and place of our church if she's ever in our part of town again. I really wanted to visit with her and ask her how she had a Libro de Mormon (Book of Mormon), but we let her go. it was like throwing a fish back into the water, a really big fish. We finished the week and I felt like I had a lot of success but it turned out our number weren't has high as I thought. We also had a lady tell us that she got baptized years ago and wants her two kids baptized. Free baptism ahh yeah. just joking, baptisms are never free. We listened to christmas music on a cd we have and studied.. We're going to eat pizza now at dominos,!!! I'm way excited. 

I loved talking to the family and I can't wait till christmas to do it again. Keep staying happy everyone. I know that God lives, and I have no doubt on earth that with faith obedience and diligence we can work miracles. I have more faith in the Lord that I do my abilities to teach and be friend people. I just hope when this change ends I don't go. I want to have another long time in an area. 
See you later, sorry about the bad spelling and speedy typing . 


Love Elder Ordway

1 comment:

  1. q bueno q te este yendo tan bien..buena suerte y q dios lo siga not worry i will find you.,before the end of your mission.
