Monday, May 20, 2013

Week 34

Hey Everybody!!
    How is the normal life going?? Just Joking. Elder Holland when we were in the ccm chewed us out for thinking that the mission wasn't real life. This week was good and bad. Numbers, just alright we got dropped by a couple of people and some people were never home. We didn't have good numbers but numbers don't mean anything in the missionary work. We had a baptism lined up for this week 3 in the morning we received a call from an investigator. 

    A girl of 17 saying that her dad was drunk and was beating her family and her.... It was one of the more scary moments in the mission. We knelt down at 3 in the morning and said a prayer. I didn't have a full understanding of what was going on but, we have strict rules that we do not go outside in mexico at night. I wanted to go really bad, but I knew that is not worth being a white boy running around mexico at night. We visited her at 7 when we woke up and ran to her house to see that her. Her dad was passed out on the bed fully clothed and the t.v. was on and the whole house was trashed. Hairs flipped over, stoves all trashed, beds and everything was knocked over and no one else was to be seen. This same day we had intercambios (exchanges), for one day Elder Perez left and I showed Elder Larios around. We found them walking in the street with bruises on her neck and told us that in two hours she was going to Xochimilco. Which is really far away. I can't go into a lot of detail about the situation, it's a bit confidential, but we are going to see if we can baptize her. She is super stoked for her baptism and that's about it for her.

    Elder Perez is a super humble and super awesome guy. His Argentinian spanish is a bit hard to understand at times but I'm learing a lot of spanish. The other Elders in our house are really immature and that puts a lot of pressure on Elder Perez and I. One Elder's parents divorced during the mission and his dad hooked up with a 14 year old who is now having a baby, like seriously this country is so messed up. His step mom is 14 and he's 21!! but I'm sure things will turn out ok.

   We are working hard and I have never been so burnt in my life. All day it beats down sun and is super hot and then at around 7 rain and rain and rain!! for hours with the heaviest thunder and lighting I've ever seen. It's the weirdest thing. When we returned to the house, we watched thunder for about an hour while I wrote in my journal and we drank mate. That's the life right there. I bought 9 mangos and a coconut, and chile pequin, and I have some special plans for all that. I've never eaten a coconut before, but I'm stoked. This area is super nice so the food here is really nice, like America nice. Instead of the classic chicken, (that we have every day here) it's tostadas and pasta and tacos de res and it's super delicious. We went to a super chafa baptism, were we arrived 30 minutes late and the bishop then called on me and my comp to give a talk at the baptism. So I talked on faith and repentence and how we were witnesses to the baptism. If we didn't arrive, I don't know what they would have done. There was only 3 people that showed up. 

   I did something really stupid but really awesome this week. We were teaching an investigator and his sister who is a member came home from school. She is a medical nurse or something like that and is super cool. We were joking aorund at first about donating blood in the mission. She said that she couldn't take out blood but she could give us a sample of our blood to take home and see the color and everything. So there we were in her house and she drew our blood.....Elder Perez and I have samples in our house..... everything was safe and she has a license to do it, plus it's something awesome to write in the old journal. I tried a really weird fruit the other day called a chinese granade. (granada chino) you have to pour salt inside the fruit, shake it around and then suck it all out and it looks like brains. 

That's great to hear that mom returned home from China and that everything is all good at home. 

 I hope to hear from you all soon.

 Love Elder Ordway

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