Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Week 42

OK so I didn't get changed, I stay here in San Pedro 2!! With my comp, soIi will finish his training and maybe even more. Blanca didn't pass her interview, so we didn't baptize on saturday, but all is good. We started our week by playing more pool, this time my comp and I trashed the other comps in our district. I really love being a district leader, because I can help every single missionary. We are all really good friends, and it hurts me to see some of them go. Elder Gee is heading over to Iztapalapa, to open up a brand new area. Elder Perez is training again but going to open a new area as well!! Elder Valenzuela is training and Elder Yancey is training also, basically Everyone I know is training. 

   I'm now the oldest in my district and 3 of us six are being trained, and Elder valenzuela just ended his training. It's soooo young. I'm going to miss elder Gee and elder Perez though. We did a lot of fun things together, and it was cool seeing our whole district grow and baptize. The week itself wasn't the best of weeks, we had 3 intercambios (Changes), and so Elder Carrigan was in the area twice the time I was in it.  So things kind of fell apart, but it's all part of learning. Getting lost and then not having any lessons...hah, but this change we are going to haul tail. I swear we area going to baptize, every week I'm learning so much as to how to be a good missionaries. All I know too is that there are a lot of missionaries that area leaving and a lot that are coming, I think almost a quarter of the missionary right now is training. All of my old friends are now leaving. Elder Jones, who was my first zone leader left yesterday, and elder Vargus too. My trainer elder Mathis only has 12 weeks left before he's gone. Even though he's already in an other mission.

  Elder  Carrigan and I are doing really good. Not once we had a problem. He still struggles a little bit of wanting to sleep all the time, but he never ever complains. I'm glad he has the same desire that I have to work. That's great that Every is doing good and I should be writing a couple letters, it's just really busy all the time, I haven't had  p-day to myself since I became district leader. Carrigan's spanish is a lot better too. He understands just as much as I do, he just can't speak it very fast. It's also funny, because here no one learns to read, there area lot of fully grown adults that just don't read, so like 70% of the population doesn't know how to write whatsoever, 
   Things are going really good in San Pedro, a member is sewing me an orange tie, ive always been gainging a ton of weight, like literally a ton of wieght. I eat so much, like never before. I swear if I returned home tomorrow, I would put sweet tomato out of buisness...It's cold here,and rains every day without fail at 5 o'clock. My shoes are getting trashed with all the walking and all the rain, but there holding in there, I want to keep my shoes the whole mission. A less active gave me a sweet pair of mexican church shoes that I really like. The area is so mexicany. It's hard not being able to knock doors, or contact in the street. We have been prohibited  to do that by our president, he says that if we are just trying luck, we are not allowing the spirit to do it's job, I've never felt the spirit guide me so much in my life, I've got a strong testimony of the work that I'm doing. there are a lot of americans coming into the mission. and personally, I like having mexican comps. I feel quilty when I'm talking english.......I love you all and will write a letter more interesting next week

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