Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Week 46- Zone Conference

   Aww, so we started out the week with a good p-day, two elders in the district are having problems, one is brand new and isn't taking the mission pressure very well, especially because his comp is from chile and he rarely talks english with him. So he's feeling really stressed, and Elder Valenzuela is training after just 3 transfers,hahaha we had a lot of success, this week. We still aren't having 20 investigators in church, but we will get there. 

   I have really learned to love this ward, we are going to move into a house this week, we have two to choose from and I still don't know which one is better, it's fallen completely on me to find this hosue and sign contracts and everything. We found a couple of new people that are really awesome and accepted to be baptized. Sadly we have changes in 2 weeks and every single one of our baptismal dates are for the next transfer. We have been fighting the rain for many days now, I can't wait till winter to come, so that the rain stops, it's better to be cold than to be wet. Especially when you have to walk everywhere. 

    I love being a missionary here in mexico; eating cheap tacos and getting sick, there is no better way to live. But... I will officialy have 11 months in the mission, I'm doing everything possible not think about the year mark, becasue that means I'll be dying. We had a sweet zone conference with Elder Mendoza, from  the 4th quorum of the 70, which doesn't sound that cool, but we never get visited by anyone, so it was a real treat to hear him speak, and  not to have it be a voiced over video. We were all told to not get out of our seats for anything!!, but they gave us two water bottles, and I didn't want to haul them around so I drank them both, and during a short video, it hit me!! I had never had to go to the bathroom so bad in my life, I was at the point of dying I swear, I just couldn't hold it, and so I asked the ZL if i could go, but of course he said no. So I sat there dying and sweating and suffering, when out of nowhere, Elder Mendoza asked me personally if I needed to use the bathroom. Normally I would've said no, but being on the verge of dying I said yes. He saved my life, and I don't even know how he knew, either the spirit, or the sweat on my face. 

   We've been finding a lot of people and putting a lot of baptismal dates and then seeing them again, it's makes it hard to know who is chosen or who was just agreeing with everyone so that we would leave faster. My comp has gotten a lot better at spanish every week, we are learning a lot together, and he's super chill. He never has a problem with anything. The only thing bad though is that he won't do anything obedient unless I do it first. I could have 3 girls in the house and he wouldn't say anything...hahaha.. We watched a kid get set apart yesterday and I was really touched as I remember how cool my setting apart was. There is 3 kids in our ward preparing to serve, and they will leave when this change ends. I have learned a ton this week about how the Lord will really bless you if your being obedient. The moment that you give in to Satan, the Lord simply can't bless you anymore. I have gained such a strong testimony of obedience, especially after talking to a missionary who told me that our mission was one of the most strictest in the whole world. He was in 2 other missions and never had seen such obedience until he got with our president. 

   I love President Valadez, especially because he chewed out all of the stake presidents and mission leaders for doing nothing!! haha we had our ward activity that was nice and set up, it was completely mission based and not a single member brought anyone, there was on investigator there, who wasn't even in our ward and then the next day we had ward conference the next day. It was pretty cool ,but we didn't have much more than 100 people there. But a lot of less actives showed up. We also had intercambios (exchanges) this week, as I went into the area of Elder Yancey, he arrived in mexico the same day I did, but was in the advanced Spanish class, but now it doesn't matter as we all speak the same level of spanish. We laughed all day, He's literally one of my best friends. We talked about the show lost for hours and had some really funny experiences. That's about it for this week. Our house has been gutted in the middle of this moving process, we just don't have anything to use, except for a little portable stove. 

      Loves all around,

                                 Elder Ordway

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