Monday, April 29, 2013

Week 31

    Wow...This literally was the craziest week of my life, I'm going to try and do it in order, but there is so much that I want to say so fast, that it might come out like the Book of Mormon, where random time periods are thrown in throughout the book and I might even ramble on a bit like all of second nephi....naw just joking. 
But we started the week off with 9 People in church. That's the most I've ever had here in Contreras. I've been learning spanish all week like a power house. I have a book and I write the word the instant I hear it and learn it before the day is done, which is hard because days fly by super fast. We have been teaching this super catholic that really just doesn't understand the restoration, like I said, people refuse to understand the apostasy. It came down to me having to use dolls to explain it. We visited her 8 times this week teaching her and preparing her for her baptism. As well with that, we are teaching a super Christian, that is soo easy. He accepts everything we say and is going to get baptized in 6 days. 

     The chicken pox has been spreading like apostasy here in Mexico. I know 5 people that have it and I'm super glad that I've been given the shot.. Elder Chronister and I now are like best friends. Even though I have to do all the work and be super humble to makes the spirit there, We've made it work for these 6 weeks and indeed we do have transfers, but I'll get to that later. Thursday came and all of a sudden during a lesson I got sick, like never before. For the last two weeks we have had heavy rains and thunder and lighting ever day in the evening. Hot during the day and rain and thunder all evening and night. I got sick like no other and we ran home. I jumped in bed and had the worst night of sleep ever,  but in the morning I felt a bit better. Luckily we had water, because some days, like today, there is no water for anyone in like 1 square mile. Who knows why, but we had 4 interviews with 3 from one family and 1 youngster. They all passed!!!. I felt terrible so we went home and I bought super expensive Gatorade to see if something american would help me. I slept and woke up saturday feeling like a God. Nothing was wrong with me. I now have just as strong a testimonio (Testimony) of Gatorade and ibuprofen (thanks mom) as I do the atonement.. no joke. 

   Saturday was Dia de los Niños or children's day. I thought that's funny that here in Mexico they look for excuses to have parties every other day, ever 13 and 28 of the month, there is  parties, like yesterday fireworks all night long. Every saturday and every 15 años people were so drunk and kids drunk too because they can just do whatever they want, it's children's day. We had 4 baptisms,and all  of our investigators chose me to baptize them. I was so happy. I  feel like my relationship with these people is unbreakable awesome.  Elder Chronister was going to baptized 1 but when we got to church, there was no clothes, there was 3 xl suits and 4 tiny tiny people. Elder Chronister just gave his clothes to one of them and they all had huge suits . It was an awesome baptism. 4 is the perfect way to end a month and end a change. Afterwords, we celebrated and ate hamburgers mexican style, which is basically the same, but they put liquid cheese, pineapple and chillies, is soooo good, I love it twice as much as Wendy's burgers,...maybe ... I'm listening to a sweet Spanish song that I knew the words to in one of my spanish classes. Every single word but I didn't know what it meant,  but now I understand it all, it feels so weird to listen to it. 

    Church was good and Elder Chronister spilled the sacrament water all over him and his suit haha. The investigators arrived late but still received the Holy Ghost. This work is awesome and I was so happy. We took pictures with a couple people and with Elder Jones who has been my dad in the mission. He's my zl leader that's been in my ward for 5 months. He always tells me when I'm not being perfect and corrects me  and a hermana (Sister) here is sowing me a tie and it's going to be awesome one, the only thing is though that we received our transfers...Elder Ordway se va a San pedro 2 ( Elder Ordway is going to San Pedro 2) or in other words I'm leaving to tlalpan san pedro 2 with Elder Perez from Argentina. I'm going to be in a house with 4 elders, my area is going to be twice as big and even more in the middle of nowhere than Contreras, but I've heard that is super nice, but I could be totally wrong and Elder Chronister is leaving too!!!!! My frito comp is going to be ZL in Iztapalapa. He was so happy when we got the call that he wouldn't let me sleep. He literally packed until 1:30 in the morning. When I finally decided to go sleep on our moth eaten couch which only has 2 of the three cushions. 

   Two Elders are coming here that are not going to know it at all!!!. In the morning we said goodbye to our investigators and every single one of them was crying...balling...I felt like I was betraying everyone for leaving. I've never been so close to these people. I was and still am trying to hold in my tears, because it hit me really hard when one of them ran up and gave me a hug...I feel sooo sad. I can't describe it. I love this area. I love the people. I love the ward. and all my comps. Now I'm going to have to really learn spanish if I'm going to be in a house, with 1 from Argentina, 1 from Chile, and 1 from Mexico, I'm still junior comp, but I'm not mad. The Lord has his way with everything, so I'm happy that I can be a part of it. My status here is 100 members returned more in the chapel every sunday, 11 baptism, 7 I did with my own hands. 16 less actives fully reactivated. 6 are in temple marriage class. 3 received the priesthood. This area has changed me. I will never be the same person. I love my mission, I love the Lord, I love obedience, I have a testimony that will never be broken, my friends are the perfects examples to me and my family is everything to me. 

I love you all and will write you in a week.

 Elder Ordway

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