Monday, April 15, 2013

Week 29

Excellent!!! What a week.. of course every day here in Mexico is awesome. I feel the power of the Lord working through me every second of every day. An apostle once said that when we are set apart, you've been set apart to a much higher level than the world, and it's never been so true. 

   First offf.... I know the gospel and the church is true. There is no doubt in my mind that I am serving the only church of God. It's perfect and even if people try to find fault in it. There just isn't any.I  know the doctrine inside and out. Like all my life I didn't understand who Joseph Smith was or what he did, but now it's like a clear cut story since the beginning. I love to hear from you guys too. 
All my letters for 5 weeks for some reason stored up until yesterday when I got them all. Tons of dear elders and letters. It took me hours to read them all, but there is a lot going on them, in good old eugene. I do love to hear from you guys...and sadley my comp receive a dear john letter....his girlfriend is getting married and didn't bother to tell him until they had a wedding date...triste muchachas!!(sad ladies!!) Hopefully that doesn't impede our work even more. 

      Things here are great though. Our area is so juicy. I could be here in Contreras my whole mission. I love the people and the trees and the marijuana and paint thinner and every other drug that gives a man a headache. No really, but this week was good especially because I got to send home my memory card. I have all the pictures and videos stored and backed up here on a hard drive, so when you guys get my card in a couple of weeks I can delete it of my usb stick thats getting full. I feel so focused. I love p-days and being able to rest, but I feel like I'm not using my full potential during the week. So I always feel like I can do more. I probably should just chill more and be more accepting that I can't always do everything. 

     We have 3 investigaters that are super close to baptism. There date is the 27 of april right before transfers, so I'm hopping that it goes thru so I can witness that miracle. We also have like 10 others that are super close, but always always always, there not married and either they don't have the money or one of them doesn't want to marry, or something like that, satan ruins my life, but it's all good, because I feel super happy in this work and also.... in like 2-8 weeks all and I mean ALL of the leaders in the mission are going home. So that means that the presidente is going to need to start calling district leaders here soon. I know I should have so much desire, but I would love to be a district leader. I'm ready too I know it. 
I've completely ¨revolutionized¨my teaching. I don't like being a robot, but preach my gospel is like liquid gold for a missionary. That and the book and mormon have all the answers. Seriously there is nothing I love more than to hear mission advice from Dad and Christopher and Jeff Robinson. What dad said about 1st think of your investigators, 2nd pray to receive revelation through the scriptures, 3rd start reading and fasting on the words of the prophets. There is no better way to receive help than that. Seriously every word in Mormon and Moroni and 3 Nefi (Nephi) is liquid gold and I've always said that they should just sell Doctrine and Covenants pre-highlighted so that way I don't have to waste pesos(money) buying highlighters pencils, because it's soo juicy. Speaking of juicy...this week we ate a lot more street food. Now it doesn't affect me as much. One day feeling like garbage so worth that 5 minutes of eating pork with lime and chili. I'm sorry to all my friends, but I'll be real: I got the best mission, before I didn't want a big city, but here I'm learning so much about living in the city, ghetto and country all at the same time. 

    We watched a cool movie this week: The Testaments. Which is a boss movie even in Spanish. We invited and had a ton of investigators come and less actives. The Lord is blessing this area so much and our ward is now the 3rd strongest in the mission. 200 every week...awwwww yeahhhhhhh...that's so much, no one has that much. 4 months and 100 more members. You can pretty much call me menos activo master (Less active master) ever less active I see we instantly "fall well" or get along well I think. I forced my comp to visit one more family before we left to the movie. A less active family of 13!!! I showed all their kids a couple magic tricks and gave them cards and candy..... and they came to church...that's all......I'm slowing down on the pictures I know. 

     My comp doesn't like to take too many, but we are getting along a lot better trust me. We can actually teach with the spirit again. I've learned the meaning of diligence this week. We had two days without 1 lesson and I worked hard. We had interchanges with an Elder who only has 1 month in his mission and I showed him the meaning of work. We had 1 lesson but found a ton of old investigators and less actives. That's what the work is here, returning sheep to the fold. Less actives that once went astray because 30 or 13% ( I don't remember) of the church here doesn't assist. They are too lazy to do anything about it too, until the missionaries show up and start planting people and getting them active. Officially 24 less actives returned to the ward while I (the Lord) has been here. 6 are entering in the temple. 3 received the priesthood and there are at least 30 niƱos (kids) under the age of 7 that can now be in line to be baptized. Seriously missionaries changes the world. I highly recommend everyone to get their act together and serve the Lord in his work. My good old Uncle Dan said that there is no better boss than Jesus. It's soo true and I loved what Dad said about how missionaries have so many rules, not only to keep them in line but with more responsibility, the Lord has more oportunidades de bendicirnos (Opportunity to bless us)

     I know the Lord lives and I am sooo happy even though people here are super flaky and they all lie thinking that missionaries won't be able to tell. Little do they know that missionaries have been blessed with basically the ability to read minds. I feel like I can just read peoples minds, I'm not even joking, in lessons, when the spirit is super strong I feel it tells me, like ask about her family especially her last child by chance was killed last year...and I do it and it's true.!!! No one would ever understand how awesome it is to be a missionary, even when you have a rough comp, who is your senior comp just because he has more time than I do...But seriously I know I've been super pride full this letter. Way to pride full, that I need to repent. No joke, but I also realized that when I said last letter that all my besties (best friends) are on their missions. I didn't mean only my best friends. Harrison, Kevan, Chris, Geoff, Clay, Bau, Hargobind, and everyone else are the bestys. Sooo cool that they all are studying and working. The mission is easy when I think of what they are doing right now. I did write letters to Geoff and Dallas this last week and I don't know why my letter a couple weeks ago never sent. I've written one every week that I've been here. Never missed one yet. 

I love you all and I pray for every single one of you guys almost every night. I can feel your prayers and I highly appreciate everything you guys do for me. 2 more weeks before transfers. I'm so excited..........................................................Love Michael.

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