Monday, April 22, 2013

Week 30!!

Hey Fam!!! 

     This week was really good...maybe....Naww just joking. Every week here is awesome. What I'm stoked more than anything for, is that we are going to have 4 baptisms this saturday. A family of three and a 13 year old girl, that's super cool. We've taught everything and made sure they don't have any problems with the commandments. Now we just have to hope and pray that they pass their interviews. We will baptize them all this saturday if they pass their interviews. 

   This saturday as well is dis de niño...which is like mothers day but for kids, they actaully have a day just for kids. They don't have to go to school and there is candy and parties everywhere and probably kids will be drinking and smoking...there is nothing worse than to see like 6 -12 year olds get on a bus and there all smoking. makes me soo glad that I'm a misisonary fighting Satan and his triste tempatation (Sad temptations). I don't know how kids can be soo weak, all my life I always thought I was weak for not being able to play on sundays and do worldly stuff; but being a missionary has opened my eyes to what the world really is like. 

   Things were a little better this week with my comp Elder Chronister. We have transfers in 1 week, so here's hoping. He's changed a ton, when he got here he didn't have faith or a testimony in anything. Now he's a little bit more obedient and is still really selfish and pride full but I can't complain, that's what so cool about being a missionary too, is that not only do you have to work with investigators, you have to work with your comp. It's a constant battle to raise his testimony. Sometimes I have to call him out in english in the lessons when he's yelling or teaching apostasy. triste (sad)  apostasy, he accidentally teaches false doctrine and I feel guilty if I don't say [se lo que mi compañero dijo es verdadero) or I know what my comp said is true. Things are better though. We have our on and off days, like at church he didn't want to share his hymn book with our investigators...uggg....but I've learned so much patience too. Things like this I feel the Lord is testing me. If I can be the one to be obedient when my comp won't there was a family watching a movie and we arrived and he just started watching, I started too. I knew my senior comp wouldn't stop so I had to suck it up tell them that we had to go, but I'm soo hoping that the changes are cool. I'm literally happy with whatever happens. Even if I'm junior comp again, or if a stay, or if I go, if I stay we are going to have at least two more baptisms the next week. 
The Jehovas witness is softening his heart but it's still so hard. He came to church with us and was out thinking and talking everyone in the church because he knows the bible inside and out. He's a super smart, but nothing compared to the power of the spirit. I showed him my priesthood line of authority and explained what it means to be ordained by God. It hit him hard, but we still have to planch him the next lesson. Planch is like chew out, because people here are soo flaky and if the missionaries didn't do everything, everything would fall apart here, but I love doing the dirty work. For example there is a lot and way too much chesmeando (gossip) aqui or ummmmmmm what do you call it......talking bad.. or spreading rumors, I can't think of the word and the Relief Society Presidenta (President) was mad at the missionaries because we are baptizing too much and the people  are staying for all three hours. Our mission leader is a boss though and fought her off with her apostasy. No one here in mexico is going to be the perfect baptism. They're super flaky and you just have to learn how to work around all that. Even though their flaky and super catholics, they are awesome. I had such a bad idea of mexicans before my mission. I was probably a bit racist.....but now I freaking love them all. I have never wanted to give more hugs to people before in my life. I would be sad if I left  contreras  in the cambiso(changes) because I have a ton of time here. 

  We've been teaching and preparing people a ton this last week. We passed by 2 times a day with one lady who is super catholic and has problems understanding the restoration, like ohhh mormon wrote the book of Joseph and saw two angel moronies... NOOO how many time must I show you this video and explain that mormon doesn't have blond hair!!!...but all is good. We asked to go to the center today but we didn't get permission. Our whole district was ready and had everything with all of our money saved up...but none of us got permission. So we went back to our house and drank milk while playing nerf russian rulet. It was way fun. I freaking love my district. Although we literally have --and I have no doubt in my mind--- the strictest presidente (president) in the world. like no games, no traveling anywhere unless you need shoes or glasses or your super super super sick.....I'm literally thinking about drinking the water to give my self up on going to the doctor in the temple, so that I can do another session. I love our presidente (president)  though, but it is a bit ridiculous.......anyways. 

   I am doing good. My shoes only have two holes in them,( ONE IN EACH) and my plac is finally turning yellow from the sun.. I'm learning spanish like a boss. I have a notebook full of words and expressions and naco dichos... which is like what all the bus drivers and drunks talks. Some investigators told me that some pictures I've taken are on my facebook, that's soo cool. Keep up the fun and know that it's really heating up here in mexico. I've been burnt now for weeks and our house is always blazing hot.  We run around opening every window tin the house when we got back to cool it down. Oh and I tried some new street food. A part on a female pig that males don't have. It was gross and expensive but worth it. I'll stick to skin and meat.....I love you guys and Hope everything is going good. 

Love, Michael Ordway

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