Monday, April 1, 2013

Week 27

WOW, what a wonderful week. I feel so focused in the work here. Like Eric Robinson always says; "The more you're focused on your purpose and investigators, the faster time flies and the less stories you have too". 

   First off: me and my new comp Elder Chronister are way good. I'm sorry I don't have pictures of him yet, but we are super cool. Besties. Things were rough in the beginning because he was my senior comp and was ruining everything about my life and my investigators, but now he's changed. He now doesn't pray in bed, he actually tries to teach with the spirit. He understands his calling because the president planched him hard, or ironed him, chewed him out in other words. He's way different and we are super cool. I'm sure this next week we will have our rough times, but I can actually trust him now, and he's learning our huge area really nicely.

    Our p-day was super good, and all week long too. The crazy lady was in our grills a little bit more than usual, but I've finally learned to like catcus, chocolate chiles and a lot of other things which in reality is a big feat, not a lot of elders can eat cactus. 
We didn't get shot, in fact we called our president about the threat and he told us to drop them and never return, destroy their registro de ensenanza (teaching registry?), I don't know what it would be called in english. Teaching paper maybe. so we lost 4 baptismal dates, and then we lost two more. I realized that cycling through investigators is really hard, but it's necessary. Wasting time on people who like americans but don't want anything to do with what they have to say is wasting the Lords time. We put 5 more baptismal dates. Elder Chronister complains a lot. He doesn't like our area or the fact that we have to take public transportaion a lot, but who cares. I lost 15 pounds here and I feel great. I still have never been able to stay up after 10. I'm soo tired that I fall asleep every night after planning, we are 1/3 done with this transfer and I'm hoping that I get moved, because I have so mcuh time here in Contreras. 

  I learned a new trick on the trompo and my mexican rubiks cube broke :(. it always was a piece of junk though. We are teaching a super testigo or a super Jehovah witness, but no one can resist the power of a fully armed servant of the Lord. We put a baptismal date, with him and his wife. Elder Chronister is new too, so I am learning sooo much, from experience, Spanish and how to teach good. We've taught the restoration like 8 times this week. I've never taught it so much. I've also learned that people here have absolutely no idea what the gospel is and the doctrine. They have only heard of Joseph Smith and they think he wrote the book of mormon and that mormon restored the gospel. They have no idea what the plan of salvation is or what it means when they get baptized. They just do what the spirit tells them to do. What they know is right. its actually quite amazing that people can get baptized years ago and not have a single idea what they just did, but yet they pay tithing every 1st sunday...haha... which is also a miracle because no one pays tithing here, and people always put the used sacrament cups back in the holes instead of in the big used cup hole. For those of you who have never been to church, you will have no idea what I just said. We looked for old investigators all this week and had a lot of success. It doesn't help that I am the only one that contacts people in the street. Elder chron still has yet to contact someone...anyone!!!! but it's ok, I need to be more humble. 

  My missionary tan is coming along nice and it's finally warm again here. I dont have to wear a coat. Although, at any moment it could rain and be thunder and lightning. I've never experienced anything like it. Sunny and warm in the morning and at 3 rain and lightning. We only had 4 at church this sunday, but I'm still grateful for that. The coolest / weirdest thing that happended to me all this week was the Semana Santa ( Holy Week). Here in the city on friday, every thing is closed down because everyone is Catholic here. When the sun falls huge mobs of people walk the streets banging deep drums and moaning. If anyone has every seen !the mummy! that part when there running from the zombies and there in the car driving threw the people. that's what its like. people carrying crosses and 4 people carrying a carriage for the Virgen and everyone in black and candles and spears and its weird. I've never ever seen anything like it. Apostasy gone wrong. I was going to try to video it, but if anyone saw me, i would be a dead man. this went on every night for three days. and on the first day. belive it or not, but they crucify people literally. They beat and whip them, make him carry a cross, the crown of thorns and he gets nailed to a cross, were he dies. It's an honor and respected if you sign up to do it. He gets spit on and luckily we had to go teach a lesson, but I'm not sure if I would have wanted to see it. Until sunday when Jesus gets resurrected, then the party and drink and yeah all is normal again. haha. What an Easter.

   I've heard that it's even worse in Iztapalapa. We have interviews with our President this tuesday. I'm willing to serve the Lord in any position, but I'm hoping that the Lord sees that I should be moved from contreras. We have plans to go to Walmart today which I'm super stoked. It should be like 2 hours there and 2 hours back, but I'm going to buy more peanut butter, I ran out. Things here are going super good and I feel like every move I made is guided by the spirit. I have the strongest testimony in the world of the apostacy and that the spirit can guide your every move. Which doors to knock, who to talk to in the street. I have a strong testimony of obedience. Although it's kind of hard with my comp and he would never admit it.

    Being obedient is living happy. You can know that if you do everything possible in the teaching and the spirit is there. You don't need to feel bad about anything. I am stoked to be able to call you guys here soon and talk with Maria again in spanish. This time I will be able to use the tu form. I always felt bad and stupid talking to little kids in usted because their just little kids. Tu is like talking to family and friends and dogs and stuff like that. Usted is like great respect and admiration. All elders have to use it except with little little kids but I never knew it because we don't speaks it, but know I know it and i like it way better. I always wanted to talk to my comps in tu but I know I shouldn't. This week was really good. I'm so blessed with the gift of tongues. I can understand soo much and yet soo little. I miss beach volleyball and wake boarding, but I've gotten really good at using so trials from my life and wakeboarding examples to help my investgiaters understand. I miss peach rigns and  being burnt all the time, and littles ceasers pizza. I love you all and Im sure this week will fly by as well. Elder ORdwizle

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