Monday, April 8, 2013

Week 28

Hey there Eugene Family and maybe some others!!! 

  WOW what a good week this week. First off: me and my comp are rocking this area. Seriously in the beginning we had some troubles but we're sooo cool now!!! We have 10 or 11 I can't remember with baptismal dates. A lot of the good ones are going to get baptised after this change though. So there is a chance that I'm not going to be able to see them, but we have 4 progressing super nicely!!! there's going to get baptised the 20th of abril (April) and they are super chosen. 

    I've gotten really good at contacting in the street and following the spirit in every moment.  If there is anything I've learned this week is that the spirit is real, not just with what I felt from general conference, but literally I think of every move and words I say before I say them now. My mind goes so much faster when I have the spirit with me. It gives me insight into their troubles and I can always tell when my comp is lying...which happens a lot, but I don't know if that's the spirit. As usual, here is apostasy land, things are weird. I contacted a super chosen girl who had just lost a baby. I didn't understand it though and said ¨que padre!!!¨ which means how awesome basically. I felt bad, I thought she said it was just born.....that happens a lot though. 

    We had changes for one day and I went with the most dead missionary in this mission, who is in our district. He also has the biggest area. We also had no money, so we walked for hours. I've gotten holes in my shoes now...from all the walking, but they should still last a while!!! Last week we went to Walmart and my comp made me buy more than I wanted, like Oreos and Nutella. I blew a ton of money so I was riding low all this week, but now I'm back to normal on money. They raised the price of public transportation, which is killer for missionaries especially here in my area. 

   I have a ton of time here, but I love it here. I feel like I actually have a complete understanding of what I'm doing in my mission now and how to help people progress to baptism. I'm not saying I'm the best but I've learned so much being with a district leader  and 2 zone leaders my whole mission. We had interviews with the presidente (president) this week and all was good. I was nervous about nothing. Our president is super strict, but super funny and everyone loves him, but he is really strict. I had the wonderful food of chicken legs, which are gross. I don't believe anyone here that says that they are good. bleaa!!! pure bone and skin, sick I hope I never eat it again, at least with stomach, nose, tongue, eye, or head its small and mixed in with onions and tomato to take away some of its bad texture, a couple investigadores (investigators) are going to baptize their child in the catholic religion. People just have to much fear and false traditions here. They can receive an answer and know 100 percent that this is the true church of God, but from years of tradition and fear because the huge numbers of catholics here, they give in and fall into apostasy. 

    We had to give an interview to some other elders' investigators. So we walked for like 2 hours.  We walked along a highway, it was the changes for one day we had 10 bucks to buy food so we just bought bread. Tons of bread and apple soda that is sooo goood here. Then a lady gave us 5 more bucks to buy street tacos. They were soo goood,  but in  that night let me just tell you...pure liquid was my dump. Never before did I feel so bad. Now I'm back to normal, but I never regret doing stuff like that. They are soo gooooood. We had a zone meeting this week and I always feel stoked when we go to the stake center and see other elders. So far there is only one elder that has stayed in my same zone all this time. Elder Uchytil who speaks the worst spanish ever. It's all good though. We had a good amount of lessons this week and put another baptismal date. Seriously, all we did was humbly ourselves and live perfectly obedient and me and my comp are now rocking.

   Elder Mathis is now a Zone Leader, which means I have more control over my area since I'm the one that knows it, I make al ot of the calls.  (; Then of course General conference came around!!! WO what an awesome experience to be able to listen to terrible translations of the conference. To be able to listen to my favorite speaker, Elder J Holland with the emotion that he puts into it...just kidding it was good. I learned a ton and I've never took so many notes before. We had our super Jehovas witness come and listen to the prophet, which is funny because the testigos (witnesses) don't believe in prophets. Things went super well this week and just barely I got my hair cut from an investigator!! Afterwards we ate carnitas with lime and salt, which are soooo good, thanks to Crystal Ordway, I'm the only one here that likes limes with salt straight... (: I'm super stoked to hear that all my friends are basically on their missions serving the Lord, but how many is that from our ward?? like 10 or something.

    I feel super confident now in my spanish and ability to teach. I'm way good at using examples from my life and stories. It invites the spirit so strong. Sorry for all the bragging this letter. I'm seriously stoked to be a missionary. When they announced Mexico city MTC in conference was awesome, and Eric's mission and how they baptism a lot was wayyyy awesome. I'm so blessed to have my family and friends and I'm soo sorry that I don't write more personally, but I'll repent and keep it up. I love you all and will talk to you all in 1 week. 
Elder Ordway!!!

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