Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Week 63

    Wow, So we got down to work again this week, we had an awesome district meeting, where I taught how we can work with the members more effectively . Instead of being enemies of the members..hahaha... We are officially 9 in the district. I gave 5 painful baptisms over to The new Elders of cafeltales (which was actuallly more that I have in my own ward) haha and Elder Johnson and I are rocking. I always say that every comp I have is my best friend, but I would love to be  Elder Johnson comp the whole mission. He's literally exactly like Harrison Jones and Michael Ordway put together into one person. haha. He's the biggest fan of Lord of the Rings and plays all the same games that I played before the mission. He wants to be an engineer like I do and I think we will probably be rooming together in BYU. 

   We found a sweet orange couch in the middle of a freeway, so we picked it up and took it to our house, everyone was laughing at us, as we were running with this huge couch towards our house, and When we entered into the ugly part of our area, everyone laughed even more, but it's soo worth it now having a balling couch in our house, Elder Carrigan is training again, and I've felt like even had to help out Cafetales a ton this week, opening up an area is dificult, but the elders who are there are two of the newest elders in the mission, together...two white guys that don't speak spanish. Poor Guys.

    The Mexico City Temple is going to close here soon, which makes me sad, but they now opened the visitors center, which has been closed my whole mission due to construction. Elder Velez went home very happy, but it's hard to have seen almost all of my old missionaries friends go home. Things in Mexico are pretty good. last week I lost my voice almost completely, which made it hard to contact people in the street or to yell at disobedient missionaries. jkjk.

          Saludos a todos. 
                                     Elder Ordway

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