Saturday, November 30, 2013

Week 62

Buenas dias a todos!! ( Good Morning Everyone!!)

This week was awesome, we ended the change with 2 really cool baptisms. Nayeli and her daughter Naomi. They had to get baptised two times, for them both. haha. I felt really good when they got confirmed. One of the converts of the Elder that I replaced in this area baptized and confirmed Nayelli.

We also had changes this week. I'm staying here in Culhuacan to finnish the training of Elder Johnson. Elder Velez is going home. Elder Cabrera will be training. They took from the Cafetales ward and they put 2 new Elders there and Elder Vitte left to Iztapalapa to open up a new area. There is now 9 Elders in our district. I now have the largest district in the mission and this mission has a rule where you have to do interchanges with every missionary in the district at least once a month, but you can't start them until after week three. So in 3 weeks I will have to have interchanges with 7 Elders and a Zone leader. That's like every other day.

Our mission now has new rules. We are now allowed to play tennis, but only with our Comp, and we can now listen to music before study time!!! Our President, even though he would like to have more rules, he got told by an area 70. But I love my president.

We are teaching a lady who has more problems in her life than anyone I have evevr seen before. Her husband is cheating on her, she has one little boy with ADHD, her house has rats in it, and everything is just trashed. Her husband keeps boxes of porn in the house, and he's a drug addict who's a drunk. She has no job, and you literally cannot feel the spirit when your inside the house. The spirit waits for us to leave again. My Zone leader said that he felt like throwing up after haing the lesson. I really don't know what to do to help her, she needs more help then from the missionaries.

I'm stoked to work here another change, I love my mission and my comp. 

Elder Ordway

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