Monday, November 18, 2013

Week 61

    Wow, Saturday night, I was dead!! basically. We had worked so hard. I feel like Elder Johnson is still learning a lot, being his first transfer and everything. Which makes me feel like a lot of the stress an work all over my shoulders. This keyboard is busted, so a lot of the keys won't work. Elder Palomeque told us that our work is of the most highest of the mission. I've been contacting like never before and a lot of  times, the ward leaders don't work very hard, which makes things a bit harder, but I can feel a difference in my attitude, when I'm serving the Lord really really hard. I shouldn't go into bragging though. 

   Elder Johnson is doing really well, we have changes this sunday and I really don't want to gooo. I love this ward soo much, I love my comp, my bishop teaches apostacy, but I love him too.!!

   We will also be having 2 baptisms this saturday, and Elder Johnson and I won't be baptizing anyone. We planned it and brought a couple of priests with us, so it should be really awesome, all I know is that we fought hard to get this family baptized. a Single mom and her daughter who had her husband killed a couple weeks ago. At first she didn't want to be baptized, because she couldn't forgive the guys that killed him, but the Lord really blessed her heart. 

   There is a hidden cricket in our house that we can't find, that chirps every time we turn off the lights, but we can't find it, I actually kind of like it, it feels like I'm sleeping outside, as there are unlimited mosquitos and crickets making noise...hahaha

   We have some investigators that are in the worst life situations ever. One girl name Gabby, literally was at the point or taking her own life, her mind has gone crazy, I'm not even joking, her husband beats her and smokes and drinks a ton, her kid is like mentally ill and I feel so bad for her. Our area, is really ugly, one of the most dangerous and uglies in the whole mission, but the members are awesome. 

   Things are rocking here in Mexico, but I'm sure I'll be really stressed out again in a couple weeks. I'll also be losing my other ward, since the mission President will be putting missionaries in cafe-tales  again...cry cry cry.. 

Loves all around,

                         Elder Ordway

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