Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Week 59

   Wow this was my first Day of the dead here in Mexico. It's a lot different than the U.S. 
   -First off; the niños(Kids) still go out and ask for Candy, but they say "can you give me my little Skull" it really doesn't make any sense, but it's cool. 
   -Secondly; They celebrate it on the 1st and 2nd of november instead of the 31st. The 1st is for the kids, where they make alters and put pictures of little kids that have died. They also make little skull that you can eat and put your name on it. So if someone gives you a little chocolate skull with your name on it, it's like a nice gift, even though in reality it's weird to see your name on the forehead of a skull. Here everyone, except for the members of the church make alters and fill it with pictures of their dead relatives, then they put a bunch of candles. The specific foods that the person liked and a holy death statue and they make a little flower trail that leads from the road to the Alter, becasue they believe that the dead spirits come and eat the food........It's kind of weird, but way awesome. They also make this really famous bread, that is called Death Bread. It's just normal bread but it has like bones on top, but besides that, there really is not that much difference. So the kids go out for two days straight asking for candy. 

   Monday, I realized that there is a member in our ward that specializes in masajes(massages) and he's endowed in the temple. So I got a really awesome masaje (massage), for barley anything. I feel like new!!

  We also had a sweet time this week being in a trio. Elder Velez is an awesome missionary and it was so much fun just being around two great guys for a week long, but Elder Cabrera from Veracruz  got sent to our ward, so they are now working hard in their area again. Saturday was one of the hardest days of the mission that I've had, being haloween, there are not that many people that want you to come over, but we made it through the day, working hard. 

  We had a zone Conference thursday, and it was awesome, our president just got back from a "all of mexico President meeting in OaXaca" so he was full of information and he pumped us full of excitment. I love my President, he's so cool. I don't know how it does it all. For example in the next 3 changes, 75 missionaries are coming into the mission, and 17 are going home. That means every ward will be getting doubled the missionary power. It's so crazy right now in the mission, I think I'll be training for the rest of my mission, like Elder Robinson, all he does is trained.

   Here in Mexico, they don't really have pumpkins and no one has ever carved a pumpkin, so I bought a fairly expensive little pumpkin and took it to an investigadores house. With all of her little kids we carved and took out all the junk in the middle. It was a really special moment for me and the investigators. 
   I miss old fashion pumpkin carving... Things here are good. 

     Loves all around, 
                               Elder Ordway

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