Monday, January 28, 2013

Week 18

Hey guys!

  I  really don't know how to start these emails anymore. It seems like I always start with hey guys...haha but this week was awesome. just so you guys know, I only have 1 comp...Elder Mathis...the other two are in our ward though, but they have a whole another area. 

   Me and Math have been contacting alot in the streets, taxis, busses, metrobus, and all that. We have a goal for 12 baptisms for march (what a coincidence with my birthday being the 12th) but I know we can do it. Our zone leaders said that we have the highest baptisms in the zone and the highest or one of the highest in the mission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's so awesome, but I don't want it to get to my head because the Lord does everything for us. We had another 6 people at church yesterday and 2 confirmed. We only had 2 out of the 4 get baptised which is awesome believe me I'm so happy, and once again I got to baptize. I forgot her name for the first 20 seconds and didn't want to have to ask her again in the water, but all was good, she came up joking though. I didn't know what to do...but we baptised a lady and her 13 year old daughter.  
The service was awesome and my animo (encouragement)  goes up every time I get to witness a baptism, and it's so cool to have our zone meetings every sunday,  because I  get to see how this work is so perfectly put together,  to be able to see the Lord and all these missionaries working together.

  I love walking around the city at night; being able to just eat and do whatever you want. It's so lively. We watched the 2 mujeres( women) get confirmed and we have a load of investigators now with baptism dates. We have one lady this saturday and she is so chosen its ridiculous. She read all the way through the end of Mosiah in the week that we didn't see her. Normally we have to see these people and call the everyday to make sure they are doing good and that the devil hasn't gotten to them yet. It's like these are my little children and me and Elder Mathis are the parents taking care of them and teaching them everything they need to know about life. 

    A couple are going to get married on valentines day and then baptized 2 days later. His mom already did all the family history work for their family, so they will be sealed in the temple as a family for ever!!!. that Is the best feeling in the world, to know that the Lord has used me to help these people get sealed for time and all eternity. Missionary work is sooooo awesome. I wish my family and friends all moved here so I could do this for the rest of my life. I took pictures of our apartment and chapel so you guys can see it thanks to the advice of Christopher. The Lord is blessing us sooo much is too much really. I want to share these people with other missionaries so that we can all feel on the same level. The other elders in our district have the biggest area in the mission and struggle with their members and investigators, but our ward has had 10 baptisms in 2 months and 2 more this saturday. 

   I've learned again just how much Satan is attacking these people, those who aren't members couldn't see this, which really is a testimony builder of how much Satan is trying to destroy humankind, the super catholics seem to fight against us too. They will talk with our investigators and tell them terrible things about us and then we have to fight back. It really is just a big war that we are in. There is no other way of describing it as a battle of souls, but the Lord is increasing his troops and forces. I have so much a better understanding of how to help people progress and fend for themselves. I'm trying to be super humble. I've learned that the only person that can destroy a missionary is himself, and his pride. I've seen a bit of pride in me and maybe a little in Elder Mathis too and it's no good. This work would destroy itself from the inside with pride being the cause. One of our investigators named Carlos can't move or leave a bed, he's old and had a hip surgery. We taught him the first two lessons but then he got really really sick, he can't talk, swallow, move, or do anything. he can't open his eyes and we gave him another blessing. Actually that night I had a dream about him, that he was healed and we were playing frisbee, I have never been talked to through dreams before, but I think the Lord is telling me that everything will be alright if I have the faith sufficient. (or if I practice frisbee, one of the two)

  I had to write a talk for church yesterday, I spent 3 hours preparing this boss talk and then they didn't have me give it because there wasn't enough  time. I'm loving the dear elders and emails from all of you guys, keep it up really your helping me so much keep my spirits high. Although I make it sound all fun and baptisms, its still depressing a lot of times in the big city with all the crime and pornography everywhere, as far as the city goes. I felt pretty good this last week with the language. now that I've gotten through stage two of language I can understand cuss words and slang, I liked it before though that I knew them. 

  Some guy in a micro  dropped a coke and it splattered all over me all over my tie and white shirt, at first I was mad, but then I was filled with the spirit of love and it didn't bother me at all. We talked and I accepted a baptism date!! just joking!! I wish, it's not that easy to get baptism dates. We also have another investigator with a million and a half questions. I've never seen anything like her. She is 20 ;) and reads everything that we give her. She even said she knew it was all true without even praying or anything. She is scheduled for the 2nd of marzo (March) 

   I'm glad to hear that everyone is keeping busy. Keep up the good work mom with the ortho and all that and I hope dad finds the fun that's is there with the scouts I know Jeff did. This next monday we should be going to the centro (downtown), which is the center part of the city with broken ruins and shops everywhere. I'm still slowly getting used to nopal (cactus ) and mole, which is chile chocolate stuff, luckily I didn't throw up in the baptismal fount because I felt sick after we ate enmoladas or enchiladas de mole. I sent a picture of it. Things really are amazing here. I have the best ward (second best) in the world and my bishop is finally content with our work, having one of the highest baptismal count in the whole D.F I would love to see some pictures or have some sent to me. I've been looking at the the pass out cards too long and the folletos (pamphlets) that I have all the pages memorized. Keep up the good work there in Eugene and I'll do the same here. Remember that God exists and all we need to do is trust every prompting of the spirit ever and we will be living the best life ever. I don't know if that made any sense. I  love you all and will be writing soon, hopefully I can write a few more letter today. i love you again.

 love Michael

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