Friday, January 4, 2013

Week 14

Hey Guys!!!

 Man it was nice to be able to talk to everyone. I loved how everyone could hear me kind of and that Christopher was on the line too. That was the fastest 40 minutes of my life I swear but it was great to hear everyone's voices and just to talk in English. 

  My English sucks now though and it's only getting worse, I don't blame the keyboard anymore for the bad typing, it's all me. I use weird words like what does that signify and should we get in the automobile haha.  I'm going to send home a ton of pictures to you guys all that I have, but man the more and more that I grow up and lose weight the more I realize how much I look like dad. 

  I finally saw it in the mirror of a miembros (members) bathroom. I saw my face and saw dad, I laughed. but this last two weeks were awesome. I don't know if I said anything but about 2 weeks ago we met a family of 3 and yesterday we baptized them, that's how fast you can prepare people for baptism. I feel bad because we really shoved the gospel down their throats fast, but it was all out of love and they were escogido (chosen) for sure. I got to baptize a 15 year old girl named Wendy and Elder Mathis her sister and a hermano (brother) in our ward baptized the mom. The experience to teach them was awesome and I have a new desire to work as hard as I can to "harvest more souls".  I still think that is a really weird frase people say haha, but I'm learning Spanish real well. 

  Like I said earlier the dificult stuff is left and there are so many verbs I don't know yet. I probably won't be able to type as long as I would like to because I Ieft my journal in the apartment and that really has all. I can't think of everything because there is so much to describe and talk about. I don't have problems with dogs anymore because we figured out a way to scare them off. The really don't stand a chance at a servant of the Lord. I heard a couple more gun shots this morning but that's usual. Sometimes they are fireworks and sometimes guns usually  you can tell the difference.

 I've gotten really good at blessing people in spanish, I gave my third one the other day and have participated in a ton. Everyone has the respect for the church they just don't show their faith. " faith without works is dead" ni modo (no way), but I really have a new found testimony for alot of things. Like how people can be my own age but have a totally different maturity level. Adults here are ridiculous, especially the catholics. They are really all babies in my opinion. They have to sense of respect for anything and an investigator that we were teaching got planched after our discussion with her, so she said that we couldn't come over anymore and that her children weren't allowed to go to church with her brother and his wife.

   We teach a ton of menos activos (less active) because it's as if I'm cleaning up other missionarie's mess. Every one we talk to says " when I said that I would be baptized I didn't commit going to church" which is retarted because baptism is a commitment with God.  Kids here talk terribly and it's hard to understand them but I love to play with them. The kids here are so entertained by natural things like the brothers and sister and a crayon and a wall. haha there is a lot of paperwork to do and meetings all over the city, one would never know the life of a missionary until being one. I haven't knocked a sinlge door, nor will I have to. We get enough references becasue the members love us. That's what is really all about is working hard and be friendly the members a ton, which means that you have to ask for seconds even if your stuffed into your brain. I have never known the meening of stuffed until I got here. It's really cold in our house always and our gas tank is running out so I have to take cold showers sometimes. I always have to wash my garments in the shower with me. It's weird but there is nothing else we can do. There is no food in our house, so every monring me and Elder mathis eat christmas candy for breakfast. haha. Alright well I'm going to send the rest of my pictures and if I have time I will write you guys some more.

I love you all and remember to send me dear elders not emails. I get them more often then I do emails and I get the time to read them in the apartment.   

Love , Elder Michael Ordway

P.S: So on christmas we went to this river and took a bunch of sweet pics, We ate tons and tons of food and had to work on christmas eve. We gave gifts to people on christmas so I really didn't have a christmas to myself, but it doesn't matter to me anymore. When I baptized Wendy the water was freezing but a ton of people showed up and they almost didn't make it to the sacrament meeting that they had to go to tho be baptize that day. We have a bunch of other investigators that have dates too but now that I've baptized I'm happy and I'll let the ward baptize the rest of all my investigators but Adela and her kids insisted that me and Elder mathis baptize. My laundry bill was a lot this month with all the baptism clothes and p-day clothes from christmas. me and elder mathis are really tight now and we work really hard. Our bishop is the one that wants a lot of baptism. he's a good guy but he just wants his numbers. but I think he's happy now. well i got to go i love you !!

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