Monday, January 14, 2013

Week 16

Hey guys!!! Im back!!!

   I had a wonderful week, one of the fastest that has passed by yet. We had wonderful weather all week and actually me and elder Mathis fell asleep in the sun during language study. I'm so lucky to have such a sick mission. Really the best mission in the world. The only thing is I'm still not the biggest fan of big cities seriously, everyone gots to experience this city once. I've decided that when I'm back from my mission, after a certain time I'm going to return in car and visit all the hot spots of the country. Maybe even another road trip with the old gang or the old family. 

   We normally can handle the dogs here, but we got chased by a straight wolf, at like 9:25 we were running back home to make it in in time. We have a bad habit of spending to much time with our investigators, because we teach and then after everyone pulls out all the food. It was way dark and a straight wolf was all barking and holding its ground. It then chased us I actually got it on camera. I really want to get some dog videos I think you guys would love them. Luckily it just ran right by us. Speaking of dogs, there is a wild dog in the midle of this intershop laying next to me. Me and elder Mathis have been arguing whether or not the book of mormons title is "the book of mormon" or the "book of mormon" either way it was so stereotypical missionary argument. 

  On sundays the city comes alive which makes the day of rest a hard commandment for people to follow. There are "tiagnis" which are those small food shops all over the streets and taco shops every three feet. This sacrament meeting was crazy. First we had 4 investigators show up.  They ran out of water in the cups and so some people just didn't get to take it. 

So mexico... then a wild dog ran into the middle of the foyer and was running wild, people were trying to grab it. Us, 4 elder were cracking up. Then an hermano (brother) gave a talk about temple recomends. He actually made people raise their hand if they didn't have their recomend valid. He starting to planch them or chew them out. The Bishop had to get up and tell him to change the topic. Babies cry all the time because there are tons of babies here and the parents never ever ever take them out. You guys might not believe me but while walking home from comida (Food)  one day we saw a guy in the middle of a road crapping in the street. Straight taking a dumb with kids and everyone around. Stepping in human crap is twice as worse as dog crap. 

   One of our investigators kept talking about reincarnation. While her granddaughter wants to kill herself or something. It was a weird lesson but I still think she is a chosen investigator. We put a date with the daughter of the lady that we baptized, at first she didn't want anything to do with her, but she saw her moms baptism and accepted a date for the 26, that's 3 more this month for the 26th and more lined up for next month. I'm so blessed to be in a mission where you can physically see your success it makes me humble myself when I think of some of those euro missions that are rough. There are a lot of beggars that see us and think we are rich but really as missionaries your pretty poor.  I think that is  to keep you humble and thrifty!!   

  We got some dominos pizza and it was the best thing I've ever tasted. The spanish too is coming along nicely. I just sent two letters today to Ashley and Harrison, speaking of Harrison. I received a package yesterday from him that he sent a month ago. I opened it in the back of a taxi. I got some candy, a cookie in a tin can thing and a nutcracker that tells 4 really cheesing jokes. I gave the taxi's  some of my sour patch kids and he wanted a bit more. So when I offered him more he took 3 fourths the bag...hahaha... he then saw my cookies and literally wanted them from me. He was really interested in us guerros  and our purpose the city. It being sunday and I couldn't actually sell him it. We agreed on the cost of the taxi, at first I would have gave it to him free if he went to the capilla (Chapel) this sunday. Harrison could have been part of saving someone's soul, but he didn't want to. 50 pesos. I thought it was a good deal. I'm sorry though Harrison for selling your cookie to a taxist. He liked us so much that We took some pictures at the end. I'll send that one home. 

  I've learned this week just how much we are in a war zone here against  Satan. I say that all the time, but we are literally fighting a war here with our pens as our swords. No actually, the libro (book) and the spiritu (spirit) as our weapons. We worked really hard this week and we have seen success every day. I'm not looking forward to the day when I'm put through the slow phase of my mission, because its all action all day long. We went to a restaurant and I had no idea what I order but it was good. We got agua (water) de melon which is my favorite drink here. You guys should make it. It's just water, sugar, and cantaloupe. It's the best thing that's ever gone through my mouth. Things I miss this week though are good sleep, lemon juice, Harry Potter again, and the Prince of Egypt. 

  We have a zone conference this wednesday and I'm going to get my hair cut again today. I love hearing from you and I'm curios about the old blog. People say that they are reading it and like it. I hope Ellie is getting all of my photos, but were going to buy some more food for the house, We are out again and I'm already running low on pesos again. I weighed myself and I dropped 10 pounds. AHHH yeyh!! I've never lost pounds ever in my life. One of our investigators that "had" a baptismal date we found drunk. It's really hard to get these people to stop drinking and smoking weed, because everyone does it. I haven't seen or heard anything crazy (at least that i haven't seen before) in a while, no guns or dogs, except for one. A huge mother dog as big as the one on the sand lot. Me and elder Mathis had that exact scene in that movie where we are hoping fences and running through theaters and the dog on our tail. (not really, but kinda) another contact dogs almost got my leg. I got a video of it after. I'm always laughing at dogs here, it's really indescribable how many there are and I literally saw a dog wait for cars to pass and walk across after looking both ways. 

  We heard some thunder a couple nights ago, the night that it rained. Belen one of our investigators is pregnant with her third child, she 19 and her two kids are crazy wild, they were drawing and ripping everything I had, while teaching a lesson I fought off the kids and elder Mathis taught. We kind of had the spirit there, but I got punched in the nose during the prayer. Things are going great here and the package from Harry helped enlighten my days even more. I love you all and expect I will be writing sooner than you or I think ;) 

Love,  Elder Ordway, qué Dios les bendiga!!! ( God's Bless)

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