Monday, January 21, 2013

Week 17

   OH man, the best week ever no joke, just like the last one and the one before that; but my mission only gets better which then makes me miss home more though. 

  Our apartment is freezing every morning. Yeah,  I'm in mexico but that doesn't mean anything compared to how high we are. Our gas ran out so we had to take freezing cold showers and our power has been out for a while. So there is nothing to eat but cereal which then makes you even more cold, but everything in our fridge is done for  I wasn't very thrifty this month. I only have 40 pesos for the next week, which is enough to buy some floss no joke, but this has been the week of miracles. 

  So first two of our investigators cancelled their baptism because the mom had to work. We fasted and she went to her boss for the third time to ask for the time off and she got it!!!!! with that, her son that didn't want to meet with us joined us at church with his wife (actually their not married, but everyone in mexico counts them as married) he loved it and wants to get baptized with his family in a week. He's already gone twice now so its totally possible. Also...another one of our investigators that we have only met with once wants to get baptized this Saturday. She's gone 4 times and knows better than me that the church is true ( just joking, but basically) We had a 2 hour lesson with her and taught her everything before church sunday, then she had the interview after church. that's 2 in 1 week baptisms.

   I have never ever seen such faith and desire to make a covenet with the Lord, but after this week we should have 5 more baptisms, but I believe were going to have to push 1 back a week or two because her husband doesn't want her to get baptized untill after she had her baby which is in 3 months.. no way.. not going to happen esposo (husband),  but we had a calm week with the dogs. nothing to say, except I saw another dead dog in the street. We had 5 investigators show up at church and 7 less actives come. I had a feeling( vision if you will) that one of my investigators had the preisthood and blessed his baby girl. we will see what he has in store. all i know is that the Lord is in charge completely of his work and that I'm nothing but a tool that's broken.  The Lord is watching over us and I can't see the blessings of being exactly obedient. I feel like samuel the lamanite in zarahemla and I have to preach the gospel to a huge city.

   I hope you guys could see on the google maps where I live. I wasn't actually allowed to do that I believe I could be wrong, but I got some dear elders from Christopher, Ashley and Dad,  and a letter from the bishop that was super nice to read,  and here about how much harder Erick's mission is than mine. I have a new testimony of electricity and how nice it is. I also miss warmth, peanut butter again, chase village, soccer (yeah soccer were not allowed to play it) but it's like my new favorite sport. I really enjoy how lively this city is all night and day, people are always in the streets and music is playing everywhere you go, and on the micros we have a new idea of preaching to everyone on there, but that takes more courage than I have.

   I learned a new cuss word today. I actually learned it from a native missionary that says it but really shouldn't. We had a nice zone conference again this week and I learned a lot about planning ahead. I wrote two letter and am going to send them home this sunday. One to Christopher and Ellie and one to Christopher Strub. I realized that this is the best mission in the world, but I think I knew it the whole time. People here are so ready , all we need is 5000 more elders to work because the city is so big. The language was actaully harder than normal this week, but I'm getting there.

   Things are said very weirdly and it's hard to think that way. l for example the verb to realize like I realized translates to spanish as I gave myself account. Even weirder stuff that my mind doesn't permit me to think about right now. My journal is so cool. It's like I'm writing a book and it's going to be published when I get home. I'm so happy to be on my mission with all of my friends and that the Eugene 5th ward can represent. 

 Congratz to Mckenna, she's going to return before I do...hahaha..... but that's ok. A less active started talking about Jehovas witnesses in church today and totally ruined the spirit in gopel doctrine class. Lucky Elder Jones in our ward "shut him up with a boss testimony about Joseph Smith" anyways I am wanting to write more but I don't know what you guys want to hear. I took a bucket shower for the first time and it was terrible,  but I really need to humble myself I  realized that even in my letters I'm way to prideful and it's not good,  but I love everyone of you and think about home all the time which I  shouldn't but I do anyways.

   I  love sundays and it's the best day of the week,  being able to renew my covenants is the best thing ever. really the Lord is so merciful. I also stated to realize how different our message is to the world, from Joseph Smith, to a prophet who talks with God, to baptisms for the dead , to 19 year old  guerros (warriors) in mexico, but that's what makes it so perfect. All I know is that God lives and works miracles in my work, I'm just glad to be apart of it. I feel bad that I'm not a better example and representaive of him. I love you all and will talk to you next week. 

love,  Michael

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