Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Week 19

Hey everybody:

      I feel bad but I have to keep this letter short, only because my comp hosed me with time, but this week was awesome. We saw more miracles such as the fact that We fasted for a investigator and turns out that God heard our prayers because she's going to get married and baptized the 14!!! it's really hard to get people married here but on the 14th the marriage license is free, so everyone waits until then to get married. 

     We are having two couples going to get married and then baptized. We had a baptism and I got to baptize her, her name is Veronica and she was super escogido (Chosen). She accepted a baptismal date in 1 week, but turns out that we could only teach her one time before that. Our bishop really wanted us to get the one week baptism, because she already has gone to church a couple of times, but she had to have 2 interviews one of which was with the President. So after 2 weeks she was baptized. We have 7 investigators with baptismal dates and we should put 2 more tomorrow. 

   The best birthday present would be to either receive my christmas present that got sent or have all these investigators follow through with their desire top get baptized. We were teaching classes of Ingles (English) to investigators and it's going super well. Really, english is the worst language in the world. It doesn't make any sense and it's all memorization.
 I also realized that fruit here is super cheap. It's like a buck for a full pineapple. and actually I have a funny story about that. I bought a pineapple and the instant that I brought it into a investigators house, she grabbed it and said thank you Ordway!! for the present. (everyone here just calls me odwaey) I had let her have it and I bought a new one from the same person 30 minutes later. Our house is out of food again but people love to give us food and I had my first mango the other day and they are so good and it's not even mango season. We have a bunch of people progressing. I struggle with patience at times with my comp. We've been together for a while. and We don't have problems, but he suffers from pride issues hard. He's like the exact opposite of Harrison Jones, but I'm sure I'm speaking out of pride saying that.. we bought a 15 dollars worth of ice cream for like 1 buck 50. 

   The language was good this week. We played mexican monopoly with some other Elders and it's so much more fun, all the under-table rules and deals and everyone is trying to cheat, but if you can get away with it its legal (you just got to watch out for the banker).  We had a really good week. Elder Mathis had a leader meeting so I went with some other elders that break rules super hard. They both have 21 weeks left and were on Facebook and listening to lincoln park and stuff, but it's all good, one of them shaved his head into a mohawk. hahah. 

  Naw but things are going good. Tomorrow we are going to the centro which is like the strip in San Francisco. It's a huge place with tons of shops. Everything is cheap and there are ruins and museums and what not. Keep up the dear elders and don't forget to send stamps, because I can't write anyone anymore. I don't want to know how much american stamps are here. Everything american is expensive. It's to make sure that the economy here is good I  guess. Who knows. A lady forgot about dinner with her and in like 5 minutes she whipped up a mexican meal that was way good. I felt bad but she was awesome. We ate some good mexican food at the street stands and also bought 7 tamales here on the second of Febrero (February), because every does and they all carry around little baby Jesus' even like super ripped guys are carrying around a basket with a baby Jesus in it. Who knows why, but talk about apostasy. We had a super intense lesson with an investigator called America, we have two investigators called America, but I thought the roof was going to explode the Spirit was so strong. 

I got to go, but I love you all and will write more next week when my comp doesn't hose me over. just joking. 

Love, Michael

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