Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 22

Hey guys, 
   Man this week was awesome!!! This was the most successful week we've ever had here, 24 lessons, which might not sound like a lot but we were sprinting from appoitment to appointment. We had so many lessons and we have so many progressing. We've definitely stepped up our game now that me and my trainer (well now equals)  have another change together. We had a new record at 9 at church, which was so cool. We were running all over the place trying to get everyone in their proper classes. It's hard because you have to say hi to them before and after every class so that they stay all three hours, people don't have the patience to stay that long, not even the member activos(actives) sometimes. 

    So, we have an investigator name America, we actually have two, one is progressing very nicely but doesn't want to get baptised yet, she's learned all the lessons but has a lot of problems with her family against her joining the church. They are catholics and she is always sad. I have literally learned just how much I love the people here, they are so awesome and lovable. It kills me to see them sad or when their family is agaisnt them joining or something. All I want to do is hug them all. My mission has made me a softy where all day long and all night long I'm thinking about my investigators and what I can do for them. The mission is so awesome because I feel like I've been changed, or transformed into a walking charity machine, except for giving drunks or barachos (drunks) money. I just want to buy and give them stuff and help them and talk to them all. Now that I can actually speak spanish it so much easier to understand people and what their going through, and everyone here, literally, everyone here has problems. 

  It's so cool though being a missionary especially with the new announcement that they are going to open 8!!!!!!!!! new missions here in MEXICO. One of them is the Chalco Mission just outside ours. Which means there going to need to talk 60 missionaries out of our mission and put  them in chalco. They are going to be looking for missionaries who already have about half their mission left and the changes are in july, I'll have 10 months in July,  so I think I'm gonzo (good?). Who knows though. Wherever the Lord needs me, I think it would be cool though, to start a new mission and train or something. It's probably bad, but I would love to be a leader of some sort. Preferably AP. 

  Oh yeah, I have a really awesome story to tell you guys. Miracles. So if you remember the girl that we found, well I'll start from the begging. We were looking for a reference and we past a house that Elder Mathis remembered the number from somewhere before. Right them a Señor (gentleman) appeared and asked if we were looking for him, we realized it was a menos activo (less active) from like 6 years ago. He let us in and we taught him. We then asked him if he knew anyone that we could invite the next time we come. He brought his granddaughter right then, who is about 25 and has 3 kids. We taught her and left her a book of mormon. The next day we texted her and asked her how everything was going and if she read. She said she did and prayed and God answered. We were stoked when she said she already had a testimony of the Book of Mormon. A couple days passed and we stopped by to visit her for the third time. She wasn't there but we left a sticky on her grandpa's door (oh btw,  the way people live with like 15 people all in one lobby enclosed house, I don't know how to explain it, ask a mexican) but we left a sticky on her grandpa's door that basically said,  "Hey anistacio, we came by to visit and talk, remember church tomorrow and don't forget to remind Erika ( the granddaughter). We got a text that night saying that her brother-in-law saw the note, showed it to her super catholic parents and they got really mad at her and she wasn't going to be able to go to church. We were super sad and were praying for a miracle. She sent us a message in the morning that everything was figured out and that she would be going to church with us. Church was awesome and everyone was saying hi and stuff. Her inactive grandpa said he wasn't going to leave the church again (and was trying to steal the hymnos from the church haha)  we got another message that night that "vi a algien con ojos de amor, este no esta bien, no voy a poder ir otravez" which means I saw someone there that I like and that's not cool, I'm not going to go again. I wanted to throw up when I read it. I felt so sick, she was so chosen and she had even seen a vision of the temple before we met her. We were super depressed until she sent us a message not but 10 minutes ago that said that she wants some advice about what she should do about the person she saw there that she likes. There is only two people that it really could be and that's our mission leaders who are two handsome studs her age. The whole time she was just wanting to gossip and hype up the situation. Elder mathis scalled it too, he said that people here like to gossip with the missionaries. That just goes to show that texting instantly brings drama, and it's no good. 

  We should have 3 baptisms in 2 weeks which im stoked for.  Me and Elder Mathis are doing good. He still has a problem with planching investigators which means chewing them out, but he's working on it ( I hope ) other than that though, we are really good friends, missionary work is so different when your working with your best friend. That's also another thing I've leanred is that you have to be filled with love for all people to do missionary work. I think I have that down though, because I can't express just how much I love being around people here. Our area too however big, it's so ripe already to harvest. I feel like me and Elder Mathis are two hands wringing out a wet towel with our area. Squeezing out all of the chosen people and sucking out the goods, and with so much time together we have learned to teach like bosses.

 Prayer is so essential too, you literally have to wrestle with God as it says in Alma, in prayer to see miracles. My morning and night prayers are super long as I pray for each one of my investigators. Things really are awesome here, I'm getting super tan and days are going by so fast, it seems like the day flies by in an hour. We also met a classic family and they are awesome. They have a bit too much catholicism in their blood but nothing we cant "wring out" haha. Literally with a testimony and the spirit, nothing is impossible. oh yeah, I almost forgot the coolest part of the week!!!! I finally got your packages!!! I got Ellie's too, and man there was so much cool stuff. Finally I have a up on the fight against athletes foot with the sandals and the butterfingers and peanut butter are soo cool. I've been making peanut butter pancakes and giving people the butterfingers to try because they don't have that here and everyone loves them. I've been also bringing around my peanut butter and letting people test it. Some people like it and others don't because of it's texture, and it doesn't have spices in it. Normally everything peanut here has spice in it. It's been warming up now, I haven't had to use a coat anymore and all the oregon stuff was cool. People don't know about college football but that's ok. What else was awesome. oh the picture of Christopher and Ellie in Ellie's package was cool, people love to see my family, you guys should send my a ton of pictures because my investigators want to see more of them. I'm getting all the dear elders. Although they come two weeks after they get sent. It's cool to read about how  people are doing. I truly get so much energy from hearing about people lives. 

I've learned how to cross the street like a boss now. I have no fear of crazy drivers or dogs anymore because you just learn to deal with it all. Elder Mathis has no fear of humans but is super scared of dogs and literally freaks out when a dog wants to play with him. It's cool though. My body is so tired every night when we come home, I drop on my terrible mattress and fall asleep instantly, but I can't complain because people here and other places like in Eric's mission have it so much worse. We have a couple people that are doing good in our english classes, they can say "I want pizza" which is a big step. I never realized how dumb english is until I have to teach it, they just like to have us over though because we're white americans who are young and know how to have a good time. They always call us guapos which means the handsome guys. It might sound a bit stupid but I swear I am getting better looking from being here in mexico in the sun all day and climbing huge hills. 

Anyways things here are great and my poops are back to normal fat and cactus finally doesn't faze me anymore and it's just a bit harder than normal to chew, as for cow head , I have trouble with. 

I love you all and really just had a big ramble session this letter. If you want to know more about mexico I would love to tell you everything. It's normal to me now so I can't find weird stuff anymore. The work is great and remember that God exists and loves all of us. Sea feliz y sea fuerte hasta caundo regreso. les amo todo y regresare con honor. ( Be happy and strong till I come back. I love you all and I will return with Honor) 

Elder Eliwin (as everyone here calls me)

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