Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Week 75- 17 Months in the Mission 7 months to go

   Well, I have a new camera. So I'm busy taking foots (photos) of everything. We had changes and I'm now with Elder Hernandez. He's from the coast Coatzacoalcos Veracruz. He has a change more than I do in the mission, and honestly he's a really good missionary. He works harder than any other missionary I know. He's always trying to find ways to squeeze out more success from the area. We are working really well together and well he's not perfect. Everyone has a little pride in them. But if there is anything I have learned in the mission, it's a lot of patience.

   Tomorrow I complete 17 months in the mission. I also started parting my hair from the other side of my head... something I  have never done before. We are contacting a lot in the street and preparing the area to start baptizing once a week. We have some pretty high goals as a mission and I  love the pressure of being an example to the rest of the mission.

  We've been taking a lot of cumveys this week which are hippy vans that they use as busses to haul 14 - 15 people across the city. We had to haul books of mormon to the stake center so we were jammed in a cumvey with 14 of us all smashed against the other. Luckily no one complained that we had a couple of boxes of books of mormon.

  Today we cleaned the house and took about 100 liahonas magazines and gave them away free to the people in the street. We still haven't figured out why we are not allowed into the forbiden part of our area, but soon we will solve the mystery. We have a lot of people with baptismal dates and we are working really hard. I love my mission right now. I feel like I'm serving with everything I've got. I'm sorry that my letters aren't that interesting anymore, but I'll have plenty of stories to tell when I get back home. Hopefully that point doesn't come soon. 

Loves, Elder Ordway

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