Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Week 73- My Camera got Stolen

   So we went to a district meeting of the district in the zone that is most disobedient. It wasn't a pleasant sight. but hópefully the changes will get the district some new excitment. We had a good week, Elder Mcewan and  I had interchanges and some kid literally pulled a knife on me. We were walking and a kid about 12 years old comes up behind me and puts a knife in my back, and says  "camine y no te poncho" which means keep walking and I won't stab you. I wanted to break this kids arm, I have no idea what he wanted but once we arrived at the corner he ran off down the street. that was pretty exciting, but not so exciting as being able to listen to Elder Oaks!!

    Saturday morning we woke up at 5 and left the the temple to have a mission conference with Elder Oaks, the Metro was full of missionaries, because it was our mission and the mission chalco that was taken from our mission. I got to see a lot of my good friends that went to that mission and it was cool to see them all as district leaders. Zone leaders and secretaries. We talked for a while, and then they led us into the chapel/conference center place. We all got to shake his hand wich was really awesome. Never had I touched an apostle before nor ever had I been soo close to one. He spoke about how we must baptize weekly and teach the missionary lessons very deep, to make sure that everyone understands every single point of the doctrine, he spoke about how we need to contact and talk with people in the street and the the busses and metro, untill the members get the hold of things. that we had to show them with our own efforts that the work has been accelerated. It was really ediffying and I could feel the power of the spirit really strong in me. He really is a special witness of Jesus  Christ. We then had a special leadership meeting on this subject as well our Presidente. President Valadez....his mom died yesterday so he was hit pretty hard, he was crying in the leadership meeting......if you can pray for him., he needs it.

 Elder Seañez and I are working good. The area is getting a lot stronger, we found another cool family this week and we even gave them a tour of the church. We are still fighting to get some investigators married so that they can be baptized but I think that it is outside our hands right now. The Zone is doing well. I don't know if I ever told you guys but our Stake/ Zone is the single most oldest stake in the whole country of mexico, and so there are some members really old here, it's like San Pedro, members since the restauration. I think elder Seañez is gonzo this change because he now has 6 months in this area. and ....( I can tell he's getting a little sick of working here)

My camera was also stolen last tuesday. I was writing and I had to change computers, I left my camera in the other one. We left the cyber and when I realized that I had left my camera, we returned and it was already gone. the owner doesn't remember anything....luckily it wasn't the nicest of cameras, but this week I will buy a new one. }

Things are really good here in Iztacalco. I'm really happy being a missionary here. Sorry that I don't have pictures for this week. 

                                 Love Elder Ordway

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