Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Week 71- 16 months completed

Another Hectic Week

   Before I start, I went to the doctors to get my ear checked out, because it was only getting spanish the ear doctor is called "Otorrinolaringologo" maybe the hardest word in spanish to say. But when I got there he told me that it was never an ear infection, but that I had some junk built up for YEARS, that had been smashed up against the the ear so long that it was like a rock. He then went into a very painful process of sticking a long needle scrapper in my ear and ripping it off. This was a problem in both ears, one just worse than the other. I can't express over email how painful the extraction was, but let's just say that my comp ran out of the room when I was screaming. I feel like I can understand a little bit more on how painfu must of been the atonement for Jesus. I feel like I want to be even more perfect, so that Jesus suffers less for my sins. seriously after all, I was a very spiritual experience, and the best part of it all, is I can hear now. I can hear better than I've heard in all my life I think, it sounds like I have microphones up to my ears.

  We've been working really hard this week, contacting a lot of people in the street and looking up old investigators. The worst part is we don't have a lot of time in the area to work, as we are always going to meetings and the mission offices. I feel really good though about my mission, I'm working way harder than I've worked before and I'm soo much more obedient than I was in the past. Elder Johnson is now working in the first area and he told me that everyone there still remembers me as the elder that couldn't speak spanish. He said it's weird for them to see my "son" in the mission. I gave him a special task to visit all the families that almost got baptized when I was there.

  We also were given a special task by the president to have interchanges with 4 Elders this week, 2 of the 4 are very disobedient and so the president wants a full report on their progress and every interchange is at least 24 hours, so from wednesday morning to Sunday, Elder Seañez and I aren't even going to be together. haha. We're going to miss a lot of lessons, but after this week, we will have 2 weeks to do 2 interchanges more, so things will be more calm.

  I completed 16 months this week and so I'm 2 3rds the ways through. We fixed the light in our house and were still bathing with a bucket, which I've gotten used to now. I asked my comp why the shower doesn't work and he said that since the elderes owned this house the shower didn't work, so I'll probably be bathing with a bucket and a cup for the next 4 months. 

I'm very happy. Elder Ordway

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