Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Week 70- Ear Infection

   Well I've been suffering all this week from an annoying ear infection. I don't know how, but I'm not surprised. We've had to take the metro more than often which in very unsanitary. This week I was smashed up against the wall in the metro , there was soo many people. which so many people crammed into one metro, you don't even need to grab onto anything because there is no falling over...haha... But I can't hear anything out of my right ear, I was given some drops, so let's hope they work. 

   So Miguel Angel went in for his interview with the mission president and I don't know what happened, but he didn't pass. I feel like he just has soo many sins that he's got to wait a little more without smoking and stuff. Sadly.....he called us that next morning and dropped us, he was sad that " our church accepts some and not others" We've not seen him since, so that leaves us with a total of 0 investigators....On the bright side, Elder Seañez and I have been working harder than ever, we've worked lot with the members, and the members are coming through with their part. We've been contacting a lot more by the spirit and have been filling our agenda with a lot of work.

  A recent convert of mine, from my lsat ward, made me a hand made croshed tie. Which is really awesome, that means that in every single one of my wards, I've found an herman a (Sister) that has made me hand made ties....Elder Johnson got special changes too. He's leaving culhuacan and he's going to...…Contreras!,  my first area!!! he's going  to be able to visit everyone that I visited and what's the coolest thing of all, is that he's my son in the mission, when I was in that ward, I was just a simple junior comp, but all of the members are going to meet my son!!!

   There has been a lot of disobedience in the Zone , and sooo Elder Seañez and I took care of the situation personally. We went up to all the disobedient elders ,and lovingly we talked to them and resolved the problem, we had to talk one on one with a couple and I really think that they are going to change now. There are also some elders that aren't getting along with their comps and so we might have to solve this one ourselves as well if the district leader can't do it. 

  I truly love my new position and my comp, even thought the nothern mexicans tend to have a problem with "pride" Elder Seañez is a boss.

                                             Elder Ordway


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