Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Week 68

Soooo....where do I begin, maybe with the transfers.....

   I was changed to Iztacalco 1 as Zone Leader, I don't know what the President was smoking on new years but I'm going to be leaving Culhuacan first thing in the morning tuesday and I'll be heading over to the other side of the mission, it's one of the areas that is furthest from everything in this mission...Elder Johnson is going to saty here with a new District leader that is to be  coming into the area.. Elder Cabrera was called as a DL in My first zone. he's really excited. Of course like every night of changes, Everyone calls everyone, even the assistants called me to congratulate me...I didn't sleep very well, and I hate packing . All morning I was packing and thinking of all the people that I'm going to miss here.

   The baptism of Brenda was awesome. Brenda has been an investigator for the last 4 years and she finally got baptized, she was very reluctant, but simply we were blessed to be the ones to change her mind. It was very spiritual and uplifting. We even had some investigators there.

   The area 70 raised the mission standards as well, right as I am to become a zone leader. We are to know Teach 60 lessons a week and baptize every week. We have to find a new every day and we can't leave a house without teaching a lesson. I feel really pressured...
  We worked hard this week, but it was new years so there was soo many drunks outside in the morning, walking over people because everyone is just passed out in the street. New years night was terrible. from 11:00 at night to 11:00 in the morning there was Music blasting and shaking our whole house, we didn't sleep at all. I was soo close to just grabbing Jesus the Christ and reading all night. Even when we got up, I felt dead. When we left the house there was two big bon fires right outside our door and the air smelled like beer, weed, and gun powder. It looked like a nuclear fallout. I'll never forget that night. never....We played volleyball and baseball on newyears for hours and everything was awesome. I'm loving the mission. I've officially only have 6 changes left until I'm done as a missionary.

                          Elder Ordway

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