Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Week 74- Changes and Another Knife Danger

     So this week, another knife got pulled on us. We were walking through a really ugly part of our area at night..... and some guys walked up to us with their knife pointed right at me....Elder Seañez didn't see the knife se he kept walking and left me there...hahah...I thought I was done for real....but the Lord really came through. They let me go, without robbing me or anything.....I only had like 12 pesos on me and my camera was already stolen so they wouldn't have walked away with much. But we were protected.

      Besides from that we had some more interchanges this week. I went with Elder Cerros from Nicaragua to  his area it was a very slow day and we almost didn't do anything. He's a funny elder and he taught me some of his nicaragua slang... His companion elder Castillejos is 25 and he was sent on the mission without being able to read and write....he's a way humble elder, but he literally can't use the scriptures.

   Elder Albrechson, the Elder who replaced me in Culhuacan baptized my two investigators that I was teaching. Saul and Abel. It makes me really happy that they got baptized, that's what matters most is that they made a covenant with God. 

    In the changes, I'm staying here and I'm going to receive a new companion. Elder Hernandez. who has like one change more than I do in the mission. He's a way awesome elder from what I've heard and it was him that I replaced in culhuacan, when I got there, he left. Elder Seañez is going to be the new Assistant!!! there are a lot of old zone leaders in the mission and so the president is giving them a break and he called 4 new Zone leaders.

   The Districts that were disobedient literally got scatterd throughtout the whole mission. Each elder got sent to each zone..haha I dont think there should be a problem now... the funny part is each one got sent with an elder either super super obedient or a little gay, or weird. There all great elders don't get me wrong, but it was a sort of punishment

    Things are pretty dang good here in mexico, I'm really enjoying my mission. The pressure is on now with the baptism every week, but I'm feeling good about this new and improved zone. 

        Elder Ordway

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