Thursday, November 22, 2012

Week 8- Last Week at the MTC

 Hey guys!!

I'm actually writing on wednesday night right now. I'm in the laundry room also doing my laundry on wednesday. This is only because tomorrow on our P day, we have thanksgiving!! For us though our thanksgiving is a normal day, not even a p day!! we don't get our p-day this week!! but thats alright, this is the Lords work afterall, not mine. We have a big old service project we are doing tomorrow for the people in New york. I don't know excatly we are doing, but I'm stoked to actually be able to help people indirectly.

This week was really good. I have one more day of class with my teachers. I think they are more sad than we are. Our new district is really cool. We got 9 guys who are all really cool. They have only been here a week and it's way fun to be able to help them with spanish and with their lesson plans. Actually helping and teaching people is all I want to do right now. Although I love studying!! after two months of just studying. It's hard to focus, but im way excited for Mexico. We all have our travel plans and are trying our hardest to stay on task. But it reallty is hard. speakling of which. I will be able to call you guys this monday at around 7 in the morning. Maybe earlier. I have 300 minutes which is more than we probably need, but if anyone wants to talk. I will call home from the Salt Lake City airport at I'm guessing around 7. We then fly to Phoenix, where we have a 30 minute layover till we catch a flght to mexico city!!! I can't wait. I dont think i can say that enough!!

But I'm really getting into the mission library books. Right now im in Jesus the Christ and True to the faith, but I wish I had read them before. They are so good and tell you exactly what we believe and what to stand for,  and Jesus the Christ goes into so much detail its crazy. Me and my whole district are feeling pretty cool knowing that we have been here the longest out of the whole MTC, except those who are here for 12 weeks. no bueno. I dont know how they can do it.

I got your package and I was so stoked to open it. I loved all the ties especially the blue one!! thats excatly what I wanted and needed. The meds and all the stuff in the bag was way needed or at least will be way needed when I get to mexico. I might be sending home some letters and dear elders. I don't know yet,  and I also received the package/letter from Viviana. Although I can't read all her spanish I love the tie and the card. I really dont have any fear for mexico. if there is anything I have learned here its to trust the lord in all that you do and say.

I was craving some sour cream chili bean bake the other day hard. I didn't know how i was going to make it another hour without some Lord of the rings too. I feel like im pregnant in a way. That i have these really deep cravings for everything. listening to music, watching shows like who's line is it anyway, or homeade pizza,.

The dear elders are very nice, I hope I can get a couple letters out  before I leave, but since I dont have p-day tomorrow I might not be able to. Jeff's are way nice and informative.

I hope you got my letter that I sent to my class mom. if you could give that to them, that would be awesome.

Also the card reader in your package was more than needed. Im really happy right now,. Me and Elder Holman are doing good. He still expects perfection out of himself which then puts alot of pressure on me becuase he expects the same for me, but I have learned patience like no other here. Companionship inventory is no longer awkward and we no longer blows up at random times. but he is very spiritual and will be an awesome missionary.

 I sung in choir the other day, they were singing "come thou fount of every blessing" which I already knew and I love that song to death. it went really good. I miss ward choir and I feel bad now that I didnt give it the time and effort that I should have before.

One guy in my district is being transferd to get this Kentucky?? for 6 weeks. He didn't get his visa and is now staying in the U.S. now but I love this and just wish that I could get out and help people. I feel encaged now that I have my travel plans. It's harder than I thought.

Anyway, Yo se que el senor bendece mi vida en muchas maneras y que jesucristo sufrio por mis pecados para que podria llagar a ser perfecto por medio de la expiacion. tengo un grande testimonio sobre revolacion personal y la poder del espiritu santo en tesificando la verdad a todos las personas. me gusta esta trabaja y estoy muy agredecido saber que puedo vivir con mi famila siempre y etoy animado por la dia que mi famila completa puedan estar en el temple juntos. amo mi familia. yo digo estas cosas in el nombre sagrado de jesucristo, amen.
( I know that the Lord blessed my life in so many ways, and Christ suffer for my sins so I can get to be perfect thru the Atonement. I have a big testimony about personal revelation and the power of the Holy Ghost, testifying the truth of all things to people. I love this job, and I'm grateful to know I can be with my family forever, and I am looking forward to the day we can all be in the temple together once more.  I love my family and I say this things in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, Amen)

I love you guys and will talk to you monday morning. bye!!!!

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