Friday, November 23, 2012

Week 8- Bonus Letter!

Hey guys. 

So I had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Although it wasn't as good as normal, I was pleased with how it turned out. 

We actually got to sleep in for a bit . I slept in for an extra half hour. Which really isn't that much, but it felt amazing. Me and my District sang christmas songs in the nap room while we talked before we got ready for the day. Since it was our P-day and thanksgiving, we didn't have as much free time, but nevertheless it was very relaxing. 

I am getting sick, I have a bad soar throat and my nose is plugged up, but every time I get out of the shower it feels alot better. Anyway Holman had to go do his Laundry at 5:00 in the morning , so I comp exchanged with Elders Barcus and Measer, which are my two favorite elders in my zone. We got alot of time to relax before the devotional. During the devotional thought, Elder Holland came to speak to us!!!! It was the best devotional I've ever been to. It started out with his grnadchildren who are very talented, singing and playing the piano to invite the spirit. His wife spoke to us and it was very very good, and then He got up there and spoke on take things for granted. I was blown away at how he could testify, he surely is an Apostle of the Lord, no one else could give a testimony like that except Thomas S. Monson. He talked for like 2 hours and I enjoyed every single second of it. my whole focus was on his words and the spirit was unreal. I left that devotional with a smile on my face the rest of the day. 

We then were lucky enough to do some service for the people in Africa. we made boxes of health and school supplies. Then I played some piano, Elder Barcus was teaching me how to play again. I'm surprised i remember as much as I do. We took a temple walk on a beautiful day. They have this nativity set up at the temple which is cool. Elder Barcus also accidently threw my card over the fence, the card that gets you into lunch, I had no choice but to hop the fence and get it, but it really wasn't that big of a deal. We then went to a thanksgiving program where we had people signing and playing the violin and the piano very very well. about as good if not better than Daniel Bodily. It was very entertaining. We then all gathered together and watched the movie 17 miracles. For those who haven't seen it, its a very sad and spiritully moving video, about the saints crossing over, and every single person at the MTC got their own bag of popcorn, that's like 2300 bags. 

I came home and enjoyed the scriptures and my experience. I wished I could be home eating dinner and playing on the turkey bowl, but am so glad to be a missionary of the Lord right now and I feel honored that I'm called to Mexico. I can't wait, and this week feels so long. For lunch we had the MTC's version of a thanksgiving dinner which wasn't too bad. It was better than normal. Overall it was a very relaxing p-day and thanksgiving. The only thing that would make it better would be if i was able to go into the temple. That always starts my day amazing. 

Im never going to forget the words that Elder Holland said and I feel really lucky that we been in the MTC the time that I am in it. Meaning that right when we got in, we heard from Elder Bednar and we had General Conference with that amazing announcement. We then enojyed snow and good weather and ended with a wonderful thanksgiving with Elder Holland and his family. We got to talk to the MTC president for a couple minutes when we saw him outside. and being here really makes me grateful for the wonderful life I had before and the amazing friends and family that I could see every holiday. Its hard not see see everybody, but i figure that everyone (men) have got to serve a mission sooner or later and that I'm not the only one missing my family. It's now the friday before I leave and we are in a all day "in-field" orintation about what its going to be like in the field. 

I miss you guys and can't wait to call you guys this monday mornigng!!! I hope you will be there!!   

Love Elder Ordway

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