Thursday, November 15, 2012

Week 7

   Hey Guys.!!! I'm back!! This week has been another awesome week. Me and my comrads in my district have been doing awesome. We are all pretty wild bunch of guys, but i have seen the atonement work on every single one of them. We have all grown up so much just in these two months in the Mtc. Our teachers no longer have anyting to get mad at us about. But I think they liked it. Our teachers taught  a district before us and they said that they were all a bunch of quit, peter priesthoods, Which makes me think that they actually really like us, because ther is so much personality in our group of guys.
         Being the oldest district now means that we get to host, so I hosted for my second time. Basically you pick the missionary up at the curb, they have about 30 seconds to say goodbye to their whole family. I love they way I said goodbye. Very meaningful and I could take my time saying goodbye. I still remember going up the escalater and rasing my hand up. We also got a new district in our zone. 9 guys all going to Spain. I have only seen them a bit since they got here yesterday. But we get our travel plans tomorrow!!!! I'm so stoked. I can't wait for Mexico. Our district leader made me "police officer" kind of as a joke, but my job is to go around and tell people what they are doing wrong. Out of fun though, I'll go around and say stuff like "as police officer I demand you to put a shirt on over those garments or brush your teeth from the bottom up." its all good fun though.
       Me and Holman were chosen by our teachers to represent a first lesson to all of the new missionaries. That means that about 100 Elder and sisters sat and watched me and Elder Holman teach a first lesson. We were hooked up with our mics and it was an awesome experience. We got to do it 2 times, with 2 different investigators. The only thing is, is that I literally can't give the lessons in english nor do I have the Joseph Smith story memorized in english. but being able to bear your testimony in english and put some heart behind it was awesome.
      I had the chance to email dad back and forth last week and that was a great experience. There was snow all this week on the ground, but your not allowed to throw snow balls. maybe one or two. but we have stopped. I dont know if i told you guys, but all this week iI had a big old scar on my head. from a  rug burn I got in the residency. An elder tripped me up from behind and my head got way rugged burned. Literally everyone that saw me looked at my head. half of them thought I looked like Harry Potter. I thought the scar looked awesome! but after a while it was embarrassing. I ripped the scab off and it pretty much went away. I wasn't going to teach 100 or more elders with a big old scar on my head. But it did make for some good jokes and pictures. It's really cold here and especially the last few days, with all the snow on the ground, good weather was hard to come by. I love the Oregon amount of snow and variety. Here it's just snow on the ground all winter long and cold all the time.
    I miss ultimate frisbee a lot. I never realized how fun it was until I couldn't play it anymore,  and I also miss my soccer. With all the snow on the ground and the cold, I am not allowed either to play soccer.
    My spanish is continually increasing, really what I struggle with now is the irregular verbs. There are my bane and I wish they didn't exist. its so hard to remember a defferent word  in every tense. but I love the spanish language and I'm glad I dont have to be here at the MTC for any more than 9 weeks. I've been told that finnish is the hardest language, than chinese, than korean here. Im not sure how valit that is, but i feel bad for those missionaries that have to be here for 12 weeks.
   English speakers are here now only for two weeks, that sucks too, u dont have anytime to get to know or love anybody. Being here for so long, I have learned the importance of study guides. making sure that your always were you should be by the end of each week. I cant wait thought to be merissed in the langauge and culture. We actually dont learn anything at all, ANYTHING about our country or its culture. I literally have no idea about how mexico is going to be like except for day of the dead on the 1 and 2 of november. Me and Holman are doing well too. We are teaching the commandments to both of our investigators now. One of them is not married but has a kid and so she is a bit harder to get baptized.
    I just put my suit in the dry cleaners so that it can be clean for when I go to Mexico. since we have to wear it every day here, it shouldnt get to dirty if im not wearing it much. This was also my last day at the temple for a while. since this thursday is thanksgiving. the temple is closed and I wont be able to go. So I enjoyed my last omelet there and am stoked for when I can enter into the Mexico City temple (if my mission president is cool with it)
   I also realized that when you are giving the Lord your all, he will fill the rest, but you really can't expect any blessing or miracles if your don't give your best and you don't have faith. Although Christ went around healing people, it really was according to their faith that the miracles were done. Faith is so huge in this work. Although I haven't had really any big hurdles to jump over, I'm excited for the opportunities to test my faith and in the end growing from it.
 Yo se que este iglesia es la iglesia verdadera de jesucristo, la mismo iglesia jesucristo establico en la tierra en su minesteria. estoy muy agredecido servir y mostrar my amor por las cosas que jesucristo hizo por me. tengo un grande testimonio del poder de la expiacion. yo se que todos los personas puedan cambiar sus vidas por el mejor, y que estoy un representante del jesucristo en todo que hago. yo se que estamos hijos de Dios y que Dios nos ama. Este es el plan de dios, volver y vivir con dios otravez mediante nuestro obras in esta vida. quero my districto, mis maestras, la ccm (MTC in spanish),y mi famila. me gusta me idioma y el poder del espiritu santo en my porgrecion en mi idioma.yo digo estas cosas en el nombre de Jesucristo, mi salvador amado,amen. ( I know that the church is the true church of Christ establish on Earth. I am grateful to serve and show my love for all the things Jesus Christ has done for me. I have a big testimony about the Power of the exaltation. I know that people's lives can change for the better, and I am a representative of Christ in all that I do. I know that We are sons and daugthers of our Heavinly Father, and he loves us. This is his plan, to go back to him, and live with him again. I love my district, my teachers and the MTC and my family. I like the language and the power of the Holy Ghost in my progress with the language. I say this things in the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior, Amen).
    I love you guys and hope that you can understand my testimony. I do know this church is true and that this work is real. And i will write you this next week.   

Love, Elder Ordway

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