Thursday, November 8, 2012

Week 6

OH man, another great week here. I just feel so good now. Like about almost everything!! Me and Elder Holman are doing great!! He has changed a lot and so have I. We give in my opinion the best lesson in class, people are getting dropped, but we are getting baptisms. We got our second baptiosm this last week, with an "investigator" named Yvonne. She is married, but really catholic. Every time we walk into her "house" the spirit is there and I truly have learned the meaning of the scripture that says"lean not unto thy own understanding" and the one that says "the spirit will tell you what to say in the very moment it needs saying" I dont have the best memory (no thanks to dad) about the scriptures, but I am working on it. I regret so much not paying attention in seminary. It would be so worth it on a mission now. Same with all the quotes and papers that I was given all throughout church and seminary. They are so useful now. I have a new appriciation for everything, literally everything. I am so much more grateful now that i can see all that I had and I cant believe I had the capacity to complain before My mission.

Im sorry about my spelling. It's so true that the more I learn spanish the more I dont like the english language. English just has no rules and it's all about memorization. Spanish is coming nicely. We gave a 5 minute first vision lesson to our branch President on sunday and it went well. Holman messed up his part, but it was ok because the spirit was there anyways.

I was blessed enough to give the first vision scene "vi una columna de luz, mas brillante que el sol, directamente arriba de mi cabeza. Y esta luz gradualmente descendio hasta descansar sobre mi. al reposar sobre mi la luz, vi en al arie arriba de mi a dos personajes cuyo fulgor y gloria no admitan discriptcion. uno de ellos me hablo llamando me por mi nombre senalado al otro, este es my hijo amado, escuchalo!!"( I saw a column of light, brighter than the sun, directly above y head. And that light gradually descended till is rested above me. In the light, I saw in the air two personages whose glory had no description. One of them called me by my name, pointing to the other saying: "This is my beloved son, Hear Him!!")  It was awesome, the Joseph Smith story really brings the spirit into the room,  and I don't think I'll ever forget that in Spanish.

Well the day that it was elections our district spent the whole time talking politics. Although I'm not too schooled in politics, I do love listening to people argue and cut each other off just like on t.v. I did get the voting ballat and so I sent that in, but being in Oregon, not sure it did to much. People were very very sad here after the announcement,  but being in the MTC everyone was huddling around this teacher with an I-phone wanting  minute updates on the states. It was crazy to here and see that. Definitely being in the MTC when stuff like this happens is something I won't forget. I feel like I already have cool stories to tell people when I get back, and I haven't even left the MTC.

It's just so weird to me that everyone here wears suits and it doesn't look abnormal. We will all be in class and eating dinner and you see 2000 people wearing suits and all looking good, but you just don't see it anymore. Like being at a bording school or something. I also feel like  I need some new ties, mine are all bland now. Although I like them, I definitely can't wear the ties that I wore before my mission, I feel like I'm sinning. There just to bland.

Soccer is really fun, it's told that its supposed to snow this friday, and We play soccer on Saturday so I hope that we can still play. Everyone in my district wants to play soccer, so we are counting down the days and feel truly blessed when God blesses us with good weather to play. I'm realy good at juking people now. Soccer came so hard to me because  I am good with my hands and fingers. Frisbee is still my sport, but soccer is my joy now.

There was this noise in our room, but it wasn't just a noise, it shook our entire room, it felt and sounded like a jack hammer on the side of our building. Really weird. it went on for like 20 seconds. So if you remember, when we went to Utah for that super adventure. We stayed at Jeff's uncles house Brother Zwick. Well he spoke to us at the MTC 2 days ago. Him and his wife both gave wonderful talks and I had no idea that he was leader of the construction company that built the Portland Temple. He talked about being disciples of Christ and he talked about his son. Everyone thought it was cool that I had been inside his house and talked with his son. I got bucketed with cold water twice the other day. If your not paying attention, elders will dump freezing cold water on you over the top wall.

During soccer, holam is always yelling for the opposite team to pass to him and he gives commans to the opposite team telling them what to do. I absolutely hate that, but I deal with it. It's worst than i make it sound. There is this girl at the entrance to the cafeteria that is pretty good looking, but she flirts with every Elder that walks through there. She works at the MTC, I just think its funny.

Twice a weeks they have ice cream here and I tried my new favorite ice cream..."Graham Caynon" its tastes like the crust of cheese cake ice cream. It's was amazing. I also got to host yesterday which was awersome!! When families drop there elders off at the curb, I take all there luggage and show the MTC, the dorms and class and stuff, it was way fun and you look like a boss when you get to show elders around. WE are learning to teach people the law of chastity, it's harder than I thought. Many people, this is the hardest commandment to follow and it is kind of hard to teach with the spirit, when you have to tell them that she or he needs to move out or get married, or both. Every night our zone leaders go around giving hugs, one of them crack everyones back, he went to one elder in the new district and after like 3 seconds he passed out and went limp, I was like 4 feet away and didn't even notice!!! but he said that he woke up on the floor and was freaking out, Elder Payne (ironically) felt bad about squizing so hard. I also learned the the english word "get" it way overused and there is no "get" in spanish, every time we use it in english, it takes a different verb in spanish. for example" I got it i got it" "get in the shower" " get out" "get sum!!" "got milk" these all take different spanish verbs and its very annoying, you have to think fast when speaking spanish. especially with direct and indirect object pronouns. I love being an elder, getting to talk about deep doctrine is so fascinacting. Ill let you go, I might send another email while I'm doing laundry, but I love you all and I miss you.

Love Elder Ordway

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